Screen (Khai/Third)

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It was a day like any other Khai was fooling around with the hot girl he met at the cafeteria and abandoned his three friends. After a day well spent, he comes back home. He opened the door slowly, trying to be as quiet as he could. He didn't want to wake up his roommate Third if he was still awake. Khai didn't know when he started to have that soft spot for his small friend, but it somehow happened, and it wasn't a bad feeling at all. He tiptoed in front of Third's room when he overheard a piece of a conversation. 

"Maybe I have his photo on the phone screen." Third, shyly admitted to the person on the other side of the line. 

"It's not anything pervy!" He squeaked, and Khai easily imagined his red cheeks. He chuckled, but his expression immediately changed as he realizes Third was talking about a man he probably liked. Of course, he knew about Third liking man, but it never crosses his mind he would actually like someone, and it made him feel uneasy. 

"No, I won't let him touch my phone. He won't find out. You are annoying, Two. I am going to sleep." Third huffed, and the room went silent after that. Khai stays at the same spot for a moment before going into his room, determined to find out who's photo have Third on the phone screen. 

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