Quiet (Off/Gun)

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Off felt uneasy for some time now. His usually hyperactive happy, and cute partner seemed to be too quiet for the past few days. Off didn't like how Gun avoided him if he had the chance. He didn't remember doing anything to upset the younger. Yet here he was, trying to wrack his brain to think of something. He sighs a hundred times today as he watched Gun wave at him with a small smile before running away once again. He missed the neck kisses and hugs. 

He was going to stop this nonsense. With a determined look, Off stood up from his chair and quietly followed the tiny human. He almost lost track of him in the huge building before he managed to overhear his voice coming out from one of the offices. Off stopped in his track, trying to discover who was Gun talking to. 

"Thank you, Gun for doing this." The girl's voice said.

"It's alright. I want Papii's series to be successful too." Gun answered with a bit of shaky voice. Off could sense he was uncomfortable. 

"But how long I have to avoid him?" Gun asked sadly. 

"A little bit more. We don't want you to ruin it, right?" The girl replied caustically. 

"Thank you again, Gun. See you." The girl said, bidding the younger goodbye. Off run away, hiding behind the corner. He peeked over to the room entrance sporting Aom, his costar from the new series. His eyebrow raised as he realized what was going on. That woman will get it, but Gun was more important now. Off marched towards the office, swinging the door open and making the tiny man inside startled. 

"Papii?" Gun choked out when Off suddenly pulled him into the tight hug. His tiny arms wrapped automatically around him. 

"You are stupid, Babii." Off, whispered. 

"Why did you listen to her?" 

"I thought..." Gun stuttered.

"If someone bothers you like this again, you will come to me before pulling this kind of stunt." Off warned him. Gun nodded apologetically. 

"Didn't you forget something?" Off asked, tilting his head slightly, making the space for Gun to kiss him. He heard a cute giggle before the moist, full lips made contact with his skin. Off hummed in satisfaction. 

"Let's go." Off pulled the younger away from his body, grabbing his small hand, dragging him out off of the office to find a more comfortable place. 

"You have to make up for the cuddles and kisses you denied me." 

OffGun June Collection of DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now