Comedy (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: I got inspiration from LP's One Last Time.

For Pick, life wasn't bad, yet he wouldn't call it comedy either. He lives in a nice house alone, while his father works abroad. He has Porsche, his best friend, and he's doing good in college. He's young and enjoys life. At least he thought so before he met Rome. Suddenly everything seemed brighter to him. He didn't know that he lived his life in darkness before Rome turns on the light.

Yet here he is, standing in the airport hall, waiting for his flight, like a coward running away from his happiness. He fell in love with that small boy and got scared. Now he regrets it. He already made his decision, taking his father's offer to further his studies in States. He will forever remember Rome's crying face. The pained expression when he rejects his confession. 

If he could have one last time with him, he would say something else. He imagines all the things they would do. He would live it all again with an alternate end, making him forever his. He'd pay the highest price to hold him one last time. But it was too late. He walks to the tourniquet,  hoping one day he won't be such a coward and face his feelings head-on. He hopes Rome would wait until that day comes. 

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