Hero (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Continuation from Loud. 😅

Third's head was spinning as he got dragged through the crowded dance floor by Khai. He didn't understand a thing. One moment he was kissing Un, and next was Khai pulling him who knows where. He tried to wriggle out of his best friend grasp, but he was way too strong. 

"Let me go!" Third shouted as they were out of the club. He was getting angry with Khai's behaviour. 

"I said, let me go." He growled. Yet, the taller man didn't budge. 

"Stop wriggling, Third." Khai barked back at him, evidently angry too. 

"I want to go back." Third, cried out. He was still trying to get away from his friend. 

"No way in hell, you are going back inside!" Khai glared at Third. Tightening his hold on him. 


"I won't let you make out with Un again." 

"What have, me making out with Un, to do with you?" Third asked angrily. Khai was acting ridiculous and out of his character. 

"Are you trying to play hero or what? I am not some damsel in distress. For your information, I am just doing what you, Bone, and White usually do." Third burst out. 

"You have no right, to do this to me. I am my own person, and I can kiss whoever I want." He added, ripping his hand out from Khai's hold. 

"No." Khai simply answered.

"No? What does it suppose to mean?" Third asked confusedly. 

"I won't let you do this with anyone but me," Khai explained. He proceeds to grab Third by his wrist and drag him to the cab, which happened to park at the side of the road. 

And if Third finds himself sitting on the Khai's lap inside the taxi, hungrily returning his sloppy kisses minutes later, he can simply blame it on the alcohol. 

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