Chapter 49

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"Make your decision, Mister Smith," Jenny called

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge." Baines suggested

"my gods you're thick, no wonder he gave you a chance you're incapable of winning" Morgana rolled her eyes

"Time Lord." Morgana ears pricked hearing the voice and knowing that it came from the fob watch

"It's him!" Baines cried, Martha, manoeuvred quickly grabbing the gun off Jenny and using her as a shield as she aimed the gun at Baines

"All right! One more move and I shoot." Martha warned as Morgana stayed in front of the Doctor as she watched carefully, ready to assist Martha should she need it.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire." Baines tilted his head at her

"And you can shut up!" Martha snapped, firing a warning shot at the ceiling

"the companion is full of fire" Morgan grinned savagely

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you so that you can live forever." Clark warned and Morgana snorted

"Shoot you down." Baines pointed his gun at her

"Try it. We'll die together." Martha said

"Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared." Baines smirked at Martha

"Scared and holding a gun's a good combination. Do you want to risk it?" Martha shot back her face determined

"Doctor get everyone out. There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on. Do it, Mister Smith. I mean you. Morgana take care of him" Martha ordered

"Always" Morgana promised as they traded looks before she nodded in understanding "alright everyone, as she said. Everybody leaves, now. Mister Jackson move, they're insane, Susan and Miss Cooper hurry up." She snapped and the villagers finally got it through their head and ran out the building screaming

"Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly." John ordered

"And you. Go on. Just shift." Martha said

"What about you?" John asked torn

"Mister Smith, I think you should escort your Morgana to safety, don't you?" Martha asked sending her an apologetic look, but she nodded her head understanding that was the only way to get him to leave

"come dearest, Martha can handle herself," Morgana said, and he nodded grabbing her hand and the pair left

"Mister Hicks, warn the village. Get everyone out. Latimer, get back to the school. Tell the headmaster" John said as he reached out to Latimer who jerked backwards

"Don't touch me. You're as bad as them, both of you" he spat before he ran off Morgana frowned at his retreating back wondering what he knew.

"Why do you keep encouraging Martha? Why does she have that...thing? Why is she calling it a sonic? Why does she think I'm the Doctor? They're just stories!" John barraged her with questions on the way back to the school

Morgana stopped and sighed, turning to him and gently cupping his jaw "Dearest, there are things going on that you simply don't understand- through no fault of your own and you will be told, I promise however now is not the time, I need you to trust me" she pleaded softly

He bit his lip staring into her eyes before he nodded, determined, grabbing her hand and striding to the school his shoulders set, Martha soon caught up and they hurried into the courtyard, the doctor closing the main doors behind them, grabbing a bell and started to ring it

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