Chapter 107

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"I'm so glad you came. We have news, I think, of particular interest to you. There was a meteor shower in the southwest, unexpected timing and density. I've calculated there is a thirty-four percent chance it is the result of alien intervention. Twenty-four percent. Well, they could just be meteors but it is worth looking into. There is a very pleasant tea room in the area." Vastra tried to coax some interest from the Doctor who merely stared listlessly down at his tea

"Also, there's a Professor Arasmus Pink who's claiming he's going to split the world open with a giant drill through the thinnest part of the Earth's crust. I think we should investigate. I mean, he doesn't actually have a giant drill, and he's not really a professor, and he was a bit drunk at the time and singing a bit, but you know it is never too early to investigate a drill." Jenny added in cheerfully

"I've declared war on the moon." Strax declared and Morgana arched an eyebrow at him

"Do be quiet, Strax." Vastra scolded

"Too long the moon has hung unmonitored and unsuspected in the sky. It has gained an enormous tactical advantage." Strax carried on regardless

"There's no one living there." Jenny pointed out

"Then it is clearly time to act. They won't suspect a thing." Strax retorted

"Who won't suspect a thing?" Jenny wondered in confusion

"Moonites." Strax said

"Why do you keep doing this? What is the point? I have told you. I keep telling you, we don't do this anymore. we've retired" the Doctor informed them "it's safe in the TARDIS I can keep Morgana and the kids safe in the TARDIS, we don't have to leave"

Morgana sighed, she'd worked so hard to get him this far, she felt as if she had failed her husband. They'd been in mourning a very long time and she'd had to pull herself together to be there for her husband and children, who were struggling with how different their father was acting and the restrictions that had been placed on them. Lark had created himself a magic workshop to work in both to explore what he could do but also to see if he could help their dad while Mimi had headed to the library for escape and maybe a fact or piece of information to interest their dad and Blue had taken over their father's workshop, creating little gizmos to try and cheer their dad up.

"There's a man on Praed Street with an invisible wife. Maybe he just doesn't have a wife." Jenny offered up

"You're wasting our time." He said before standing and walking away

"Merry Christmas!" Jenny called; a slammed door was her only answer "I think he means it." She sighed

"Yes, my dear, I rather think he does." Vastra agreed

"Damn moon," Strax grumbled

"thank you for trying" Morgana sighed "I've managed to get him down but I'm so close to just... doing something insane"

"think nothing of it" Vastra assured her

"your triplets will be picking their names, soon won't they?" Jenny asked her

Morgana smiled "yes, how they've grown...they'll be picking their titles soon and I need my husband" her smile fell, and her green eyes turned dull and glassy "he's not the only one mourning and I don't know how much longer I can live with a ghost"

"we will think of something" Vastra assured her

Morgana smiled and stood leaving the room "happy yule" she called over her shoulder

"Merry Christmas!" Jenny called back

"Did you make this snowman?" a very familiar woman asked them as she held a tray filled with empty tankards, nearby a toothy snowman was built

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