Chapter 124

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Morgana huffed as she shuffled her feet, trying to find a more comfortable position against the rock as she admired the desert scenery, sharp rocky outcrops against the orange sky which held twin suns, and the ornately carved pillars were very uncomfortable to be chained to.

"There's no way out of this. We're going to die here." Clara muttered

"There's always a way" Morgana replied

"Pass me the vibro-cutters." The Doctor instructed, looking at Morgana.

"I don't have them Dearest" she replied glancing at Clara

"They're in my pocket," Clara said

"Come on then, pass them to me." He said with rolled eyes, honestly why did she have to be so dramatic?

"In my other jacket." Clara said sheepishly "At home."

"Wonderful" Morgana grumbled

"Why have you got two jackets? Is one of them faulty?" The Doctor questioned.

"Look, I don't have the vibro-cutters. If I had the vibro-cutters, I wouldn't be able to pass you the vibro-cutters. We're going to starve to death out here.

"Of course, we won't starve. The sand piranhas will get us long before that." The Doctor huffed before glancing at his wife "Sweetheart" he whined slightly

"Oh, so I'm second choice now?" she asked playfully

"You're not my tool" the Doctor replied fiercely.

The Doctor landed the TARDIS and stuck his head out finding Clara about to leave, ah just in time.

"Fish people." The Doctor told her simply, looking her up and down why was her face coloured in again?

"What are they like?" Clara asked curiously

"Fish. And people. Come and see. I've been trying to prove mermaids are real and this is the closest I've gotten" the Doctor hurried her along.

"How much further?" Clara panted as they ran away from the lasers being shot at them

"Tardis has got to be round this corner. I hate soldiers. Don't you hate soldiers?" the Doctor asked them as he ducked a laser that would have taken his head.

"Oh, I dunno, love a man in uniform" Morgana winked at the Doctor and Clara hated her a bit for looking so flawless.

"Yeah." Clara breathed out feeling slightly guilty, never seeing the knowing look Morgana shot her.

"Just keep running!" the Doctor shouted, grabbing his wife's hand and legging it.

"Clara's acting weird" the Doctor frowned as they landed in Clara's flat.

"Finally caught up, have we?" Morgana asked

"But why?" he frowned fiercely "What problems could a human have?"

"Ah, not quite yet then" Morgana hummed as Clara entered the TARDIS from her living room.

"So, where we off to?" Clara asked them cheerily

"Clara, you, you look lovely today. Have you had a wash?" The Doctor asked her as he came to a decision, he needed to find out what was wrong with his companion.

"Why are you being nice?" Clara questioned, her eyes narrowing suspiciously, this Doctor didn't do 'nice'.

"Because it works on you. Listen, I'm sorry but there's going to be no trip today. I'm sorry. Er, we've got to do a thing. It might take a while." The Doctor said as he set to work.

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