Chapter 52

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"Oh, my head," Martha complained and Morgana moved over to check on her, tiredness running through her

"Time travel without a capsule. That's a killer." The Doctor grimaced

"Still, at least we made it. Earth, twenty-first century by the looks of it. Talk about lucky." Jack said in relief as Morgana glanced around the street, they had landed on

"That wasn't luck, that was me." The Doctor said and he had managed to sonic Jack's manipulator and get it working again while Morgana kept the door shut

"The moral is if you're going to get stuck at the end of the universe, get stuck with an ex-Time Agent and his vortex manipulator," Jack commented

"and a vampire for their strength, I'm going to have to feed soon" Morgana lightly warned, she had been severely electrocuted multiple times and she was thirsty, she also had the intentions of punching the Master in the face when she saw him again.

"But this Master bloke, he's got the Tardis. He could be anywhere in time and space." Martha pointed out as the group started moving

The Doctor shook his head "No, he's here. Trust me."

"Who is he, anyway? And that voice at the end, that wasn't the Professor." Martha questioned in confusion

"he's a time lord, he regenerated," Morgana told her

"What does that mean?" Martha looked at her

Jack was the one to answer "It means he's changed his face, voice, body, everything. A new man."

Morgana was distracted by a beggar who was tapping a rhythm on the side of a tin mug, the beat was incredibly familiar

"Then how are we going to find him?" Martha's voice snapped her out of her drifting...must be thirstier than she had thought

"I'll know him, the moment I see him. Time Lords always do." He said

"But hold on. If he could be anyone, we missed the election. But it can't be." Martha pointed to a storefront that had a series of televisions that were broadcasting the news

"Mister Saxon has returned from the Palace and is greeting the crowd inside Saxon Headquarters." An anchor reported the scene changing to the new prime minister is walking down steps with his wife

"I said I knew that voice. When he spoke inside the Tardis. I've heard that voice hundreds of times. I've seen him. We all have. That was the voice of Harold Saxon." Martha said

"That's him. He's Prime Minister." The Doctor said a note of horror in his tone

"I think I ran into him before" Morgana frowned in thought, the man was a sort of ashy blond/brunette...something to do with Lazarus?

"Mister Saxon, this way, sir. Come on, kiss for the lady, sir." A photographer called

"The Master is Prime Minister of Great Britain. The Master and his wife?" the Doctor questioned

"romance of the fucking century" Morgana frowned in anger the tapping of the beggar was really pushing her

"come on we can go to my home" Martha offered

"one moment, I'm in the mood for some millésime du mendicant" Morgana said as she strode off towards the beggar

"what does that mean?" Martha wondered

"vintage of the beggar" she heard Jack answer as she grabbed the beggar man, irritated as she may be, she still compelled him before sinking her fangs into his neck and imbibing the amount she needed.

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