Chapter 72

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"We need to speak to the Ood Dearest" Morgana said gently

He sighed and nodded, pressing a kiss to her cheek "yes, I suppose it is time, we've delayed long enough"

"I'm here for you, always" she assured him as he gently took her hand and left the TARDIS, stepping out of the TARDIS, he was still wearing his Stetson and a lei, Morgana was also wearing a Stetson, but she'd put her foot down at the grass skirt and cowboy boots. She smiled gently at Ood Sigma who was patiently waiting for them

"Ah! Now, sorry. There you are. So, where were we? We were summoned, weren't we? An Ood in the snow, calling to us. Well, we didn't exactly come straight here. Had a bit of fun, you know. Travelled about, did this and that. Got into trouble. You know us. It was brilliant. We saw the Phosphorous Carousel of the Great Magellan Gestadt, saved a planet from the Red Carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison- Morgana thought it to be a pretty name. Got married. That was amazing, so we did it on other planets as well-loved the paint ritual of the Edoirs took ages to get the neon yellow out of my hair but the water marriage helped with that, air bubbles don't make for good wedding vows. Good Queen Bess. And let me tell you, she was an odd one, though for the life of me I can't remember, can you?" he turned to Morgana

"I wasn't there, Dearest" she reminded him gently "I was dealing with that irksome vampire in the 50's you said you were going to be five minutes; it was five days"

"a little off!" he defended himself

"terrible pilot" she rebutted

"You should not have delayed." Sigma scolded them

"well, we're not exactly eager for the outcome of this trip," Morgana said narrowing her eyes

"The last time we were here you said my song would be ending soon, and I'm in no hurry for that." He said bluntly

"You will come with me," Sigma told them

"Hold on. Better lock the Tardis." He said pointing a remote key at the TARDIS, the doors locked, and her light flashed as the remote beeped

"ugh, I hate that" Morgana complained rolling her eyes "she's not a common car"

"I like it, do you Sigma? See? Like a car. I locked it like a car. Like. It's funny. No? Little bit? Blimey, try to make an Ood laugh. So how old are you now, Ood Sigma? Ah." He fell silent as they both looked at the Ood city

"it's beautiful" Morgana complimented

"Magnificent. Oh, come on, that is splendid. You've achieved all this in how long?" the Doctor asked

"One hundred years," Sigma said and Morgana frowned

"isn't that too quick dearest?" she glanced over to him and he nodded

"we've got a problem. Because all of this is way too fast. Not just the city, I mean your ability to call me. Reaching all the way back to the twenty-first century. Something's accelerating your species way beyond normal." He said as he stared carefully at Sigma

"you haven't had contact with anyone wanting to strike a deal or anything?" Morgana wondered

"And the Mind of the Ood is troubled," Sigma added

"Why, what's happened?" Morgana asked in concern

"Every night, Morgana, Doctor, every night we have bad dreams," Sigma told them and led them to an ice cave where elders of the Ood were sitting in a circle holding hands, they looked up at them when they entered

"Returning, returning, returning, it is slowly returning through the dark and the fire and the blood. Always returning, returning to this world. It is returning, and he is returning, and they are returning, but too late. Too late. Far too late. He has come." The Elder said

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