Chapter 79

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"Rory! That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl. Diabetic. Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiance. She tried to kiss me." The Doctor said as he hopped out of the cake and strode over to him "and you need to fix it NOW because my wife, is furious and heartbroken and I cannot allow it to continue! Your fiancé, your problem" he stated grabbing his arm and dragging him from his party and into the TARDIS.

"Doctor please- "Amelia said reaching out to grab his arm, but he brushed her off

"if you want to ruin your marriage or relationship then FINE but keep me and my WIFE and my FAMILY out of it!" The Doctor snarled stepping closer to Amelia, ignoring Rory's warning look "don't ever try to interfere or seduce me again you won't like the consequences, I wiped a girls mind for risking my family, I destroyed the angels for the threat they posed to my wife, and because of your actions, my wife is furious and heartbroken thinking that'd I'd cheat on her with a fucking child! My children and siblings are plotting my murder and burial site because I know she would have told them! and she won't speak to me for fifty years. You wanna whore yourself throughout the universe? Feel free but leave me and mine out of it" he paused then added "and don't presume to touch what isn't yours"

Morgana arched an eyebrow at him, having heard his little speech as she strode into the console room, her phone still held to her ear

"would you like us to murder him, sister?" Elijah asked

"no, I'll be fine I can handle it" she assured him

"I don't know who that little slag thinks she is but I'm also going to have a go at spaceman when we see him again" Donna added and she laughed

"I'm not going to tell him that either," she said before saying her goodbyes and hanging up

"Rory, darling" she smiled at him happily brushing past Amelia and the Doctor

"ah- hello Morgana?" he asked looking startled at being the centre of her attention

"yes, yes, it's Morgana darling one now, come last time I saw you; you were in medical scrubs. Are you actually a nurse or is it another kissogram deal?" she asked him, dragging him towards the captain's chair and sitting with him

"uh-no I'm a nurse" Rory answered

"that must be a difficult job, takes a lot of strength...are you planning on progressing towards a Doctor or remaining a nurse?" she wondered, she could see Amelia looking angered and the Doctor was below them, in his swing harness, glancing up at her with those accursed puppy dog eyes.

"I'd like to be a Doctor one day but takes a lot and better than being laughed at for being a nurse" he told her with a nervous smile

"oh, nothing wrong with being a nurse it's an admirable job" Morgana praised him

"Oh, the life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans. It's meant to do that. Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So, I'm sending you somewhere, together." The Doctor said as he peeked at Morgana

"Whoa. What, like a date?" Amelia asked

"before you delve back into your delusion, it's NOT with me. yes, because thanks to someone who's destroyed two relationships, you two need a date and I need to grovel to my wife because someone thought it a great idea to kiss a married man" the Doctor snapped angrily "Think of it as a wedding present because it's either this or tokens. It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain."

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