Chapter 25.

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Hey I'm back everyone! Things have been so chill lately which is rare but nice. Anyway I really liked writing this chapter so I hope you guys like it as well.

I don't own Jak and Daxter but I really like the cover picture (Also not mine)

(Ellie POV)

Walking around the Bazaar, I heard my stomach rumble. Guess I hadn't had any food in a while. Going up to the closest food stall, I picked ot a few fruits and a loaf of bread for me and Jak. Dax most likely had something at the Hog. Handing over the pocket money I got from Torn, I headed back to the hideout.

Having a bite of what looked like an apple, I walked through HQ and heard Torn's voice.

"The Baron's coming down pretty hard. Whatever you've been doing, you've really upset him."

"I'm just getting started." Jak says as I pass him an apple. I could hear his stomach rumble slightly and gave a small chuckle.

"He's brought in new Hellcat cruisers, making the streets dangerous for the Underground. We've already lost five men this week." I perked up at the 'lost five men' part.

"Why didn't you call me? I could've helped."

"It was too late by the time they got here. I don't think you could've done anything." Looking at the ground, he was probably right. But it still made me feel a tiny bit useless.

"I wouldn't mind taking outa few cruisers, if that's what you're getting at."

I sat down on one of the beds as the continued their convo and started on another piece of fruit.

"Elizabeth, this might be a two person job. Go give them a hand." As my mouth was full, I gave a nodd but signaled that I was still eating and he gave me a weird look in return. I think because I was treating him as a person rather than a commander. 

Ripping the bread apart, I handed Torn, Jak and Daxter some. Let's just say they gratefully accepted it. Poor guys must've been starving.

"Now that chow time's over, let's go kick some cruiser butts!" I say with my fist in the air as I walked off.

As I went to grab my own zoomer, Jak's voice stops me.

"You sure you want to do this separately? It's dangerous and these things have killed people."

"I need to do this Jak. I need to prove myself to Torn. Also you're doing this as well aren't you? You could also get killed." He sighed in defeat.

"Just be careful and meet up with us afterwards." I nodded and jumped onto the zoomer, starting its engine. I was grateful for Chloe's lessons because now I wasn't driving at a snails pace.

Going into the upper level, I sped off and went to find the cruisers. I knew these things. They may be big and bulky, but the were fast. Very fast.

I slowed down as I found my first one and acted like a normal driver for a second. About a metre away, I started firing as fast as I could. Luckily the zoomer had a built in gun. As soon as I fired my first shot, they sped up and started firing back. To be expected though.

Weaving through the traffic, I changed zones often and used my bullets sparingly. This is how I always did it, although usually I would bang into buildings more often. Heading into the water slums I could see it starting to smoke and after a few more shots the bloody thing finally blew up. 

As soon as the flames appeared, I realised that I had killed someone; maybe two. These guards were just doing their job. They had a family. A life. I had just robbed them of it in a matter of minutes.

Deciding that that was enough, I messaged the duo, gave them my tips and headed back, my stomach wanting to throw up at any second.

Never again.

I don't want this feeling ever again. I don't care what Torn or anyone says, I'm never doing this again. People my call me a coward but I won't care.

I want to save people, not kill them and that's final.


Would anyone else feel this way? Just a thought.

Anyway on a lighter note, how's everyone? Did anyone see the blood super moon (or whatever it was) and take some crappy, blurry moon photos? Cause I did and my photos were shit. Luckily for me, the moon came out at 11 at night so the perfect time.

Why am I talking about the moon anyway? (space is cool though ngl)

Hopefully I'll put up the next chapter soon.

Love from Eco_otaku :)

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