Chapter 3.

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Hey, just letting everyone know that these next couple of chapters will be quite slow paced :)
Disclaimer I don't own the Jak and Daxter series sadly.

Elizabeth awoke slowly and found warmth beside her. Jak must've woken up, realised the situation and sat sat beside her Ellie thought.

Thinking back to 'Jak and Daxter. The precursor legacy' and the start of 'Jak 2' she remembered that Jak was a mute. Communications gonna be hard thought Ellie because even though they still spoke English, the writing they used was completely different. It was weird and rounded, and weird again.

Lost in thought, a loud bang was heard on the cell door. Jak woke suddenly, looking to where the noise came from. "Here's your food. Eat." We heard a KG say as they slid two light plastic trays underneath the door. The 'food' on them looked disgusting and completely inedible. She'd rather eat vomit that she had to clean up at work and that's saying something.

Jak and Ellie locked eyes and remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet. "My name's Elizabeth but most people call me Ellie." She said hoping she might get a verbal response. No such luck as she had to read Jak's lips. "Your names um, Jak?" Ellie asked. A nod was received. "Your a mute?" Another nod. "Do you know why we're both in here? Cause you don't seem like the type to get thrown into jail." He shook his head this time and put his arms up in an 'I don't know' guesture.

Jak pointed at her ears most likely what happened to them or if they had always been like that. " My ears? They've always been like this." Jak just raised one eyebrow and his lips read 'weird'. "They're not weird,, yours are weird." Ellie said with slight hurt and slight humour in her voice. It was painfully obvious that Jak thought she wasn't paying attention. Realising the conversation had gotten awkward, Ellie just cracked up laughing. Looking over, Jak was laughing as well which surprised her.

A smell wafted into the cell and made her want to puke. Nothing smelt like that in her world so Ellie thought it must've been dark eco or something. "Is that the smell of dark eco?" Jak just nodded slowly. After a couple of minutes silence, Ellie said quietly " What are they gonna do to us?" Half to herself and half to Jak. Even though she most likely knew. Looking at Jak, he just cast his eyes down and shook his head. Quiet tears were heard. How? Why am I here? This should be physically impossible.

A few minutes later, another bang was heard and the door swung open, almost falling off its hinges. " Boy come with me." A large KG said roughly. Jak got up and slowly walked towards the door but stopped when he saw Ellie in front of him. "No! Neither of us are going anywhere until you tell us why the hell we're here!" Ellie shouted. "There's no need for you to know." The KG said and shoved Ellie to the side making her fall over. Trying to get back up, she once again felt a massive surge of pain and blacked out a second time.

Ellie woke suddenly to a ear piercing scream. Straight away she knew it was Jak and she knew what was happening to him. This lasted for at least ten minutes, but Ellie didn't her have her watch on her though, it had been taken away with the rest of her stuff.

The scream slowly died down and she heard Jak being dragged along the ground. The door opened again and Jak was pushed inside. His body was covered in sweat and his hair was a complete mess. "What did they do to you?" Ellie asked quietly. "They injected me with dark eco" he whispered faintly but just enough for Ellie to here.

Jak trudged over and sat on one of the beds obviously exhausted. Getting off her own bed, Ellie walked over and sat next to Jak and engulfed him in a hug. "Everything's gonna be ok. We'll get out of here somehow. I promise."

Authors note:

Holy crap this is the longest chapter I've written yet! Then again it's only the third one.

Sorry if Jak seems a little out of character but what the hell, he'd just been thrown into jail for no reason.

Hopefully I will update soon, other than that Eco_otaku out 😄

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