Chapter 22.

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Hey guys I'm back :) I'm writing this chapter at 12 in the morning, listening to anime openings  and eating lollies. I have a terrible diet...

Anyway, Jak does not belong to me sadly.

(Ellie POV)

Hearing all our stomachs rumble, we decided to go get lunch at the Hip Hog. As we walked I could feel a stare on me


"Why were you at the Bazaars? Especially with that much guards hanging around."

I huffed and carried on walking. "I wanted to get out of the hideout to go for a walk and ended up at the Bazaars AND I wanted to meet Ashelin. If that's a problem." Jak looked quite pissed. Good. He's not the boss of me. Unfortunately Torn and Samos were.

"Well sorry for being concerned about you. I'll never do it again."

He was starting to sound like a child now. That being said, so was I.

"Well I'm not feeling like Hip Hog food anymore so I'm heading over to go see Chloe." Spinning around, I started walking towards the stadium and away from Jak. Far away.

I hear Jak "Tsk" and Daxter whisper "who's Chloe?" but I just carried on. Walking to the stadium, I realised that that was our first fight we had ever had. A small childish one, but a fight none the least.

As I reached the stadium, I was still pissed off, but also felt a bit guilty. The fight was stupid and both of us were just to proud to admit defeat.

Getting out of my thoughts, i noticed how much busier the stadium was today. That must mean that the class 3 race was on today.

Walking into Keira's garage, I see said person behind the curtain with her 'secret project'.

"Hey Keira, have you seen Chloe? I had a fight with my work partner and was gonna go on the track but it looks a little busy."

I hear the curtains rustle and out comes the teal haired mechanic. "Sorry, I haven't seen her today. She might come in soon and watch the class 3 race though. It's on in about an hour."

Damn. Now I was stuck with Keira for an hour or so. Jak's gonna arrive soon as well. Just great.

"Can I see what's behind the curtain? I'm really interested." I said with puppy dog eyes. Seeing the look of defeat, I happily accepted my victory.

"It's called a rift rider." she said, opening the curtain for me to walk in and have a look. "Its design is based on one I've seen before." Shutting the curtain behind us, she carried on about not being from this time etc, etc. Stuff I already knew.

"You're not from here either, are you? Your ears are different from everyone  else's. I instinctively put my hands up to my ears.

"Yeah, I'm not  from here, and I have no clue on how to get back home. I've got friends here though."

Keira was about to say something else when a gruff voice was heard.

"We destroyed Krew's cargo." Keira looked pissed at the unwanted company.

"Great, I'll send you a medal. Now if you don't mind, I'm on a deadline, so scram."

"Are you always this difficult?" Yes Jak. Yes she is.

An annoying ottsely voice came next. "Let me handle this Jak. Listen lady, we beat your stupid course and we can outrace anyone in this city." Keira perks up at Daxter's voice and mumbles something.

"And there's just two things you need to know: One, we don't wanna join your stinking race team; and two, you just lost a date with Orange Lightning. Lets go Jak."

The curtains fly open and I turned around, my back towards them. 

"Daxter! It is you!"


"Oh I never thought I'd be so glad to see your furry mug. And Jak, you look... different." She sounded almost disappointed.

"It's been a tough ride."

"The Baron pumped our boy her full of dark eco, and it did something to him Now he's got super moves or something. And a few anger issues as well."

I slowly turned around and saw Jak glaring at me. I decided to glare back, with my arms folded.

 "I've been looking for you guys forever. And planning a way back home. Somehow that rift took us far into the future. I've calculated the time displacement and I think I've got-"

"We've found your father. Well sort of."

"Working with the Underground fighting the Baron. But he's uh..."


"You need to go see him. And I need to get to the Baron." Baron this, Baron that. It's like he's fan girling. You don't see me doing all this revenge stuff.

I looked over to Keira. "You could try to win the class 1 racing championship. The winner of that big race always gets to meet the Baron in the palace. But you have to qualify by winning the lower class races. There's a class 3 race starting soon! You can drive for my team! But Jak, we should think of getting out of here. I don't like this place and some of the people are creepy."

Getting a message and directions on my comm from Chloe, I start to head out the door.

"Are you just gonna leave?"  I hear Jak say from behind me. "Yeah, I'm leaving. To go watch the race dumbass."

Striding out of the garage, not looking back, I pass Krew and all his creepyness. "I'm guessing you're wanting Jak. He's in there." I say as I point to Keira's garage. He nodded and I headed off to go watch the race in Chloe's front row seats.


Bit short sorry. Well it's longer than my first couple of chapters :) But hey, it's better than nothing right?

Anyway, anybody who is on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, my dream code is DA-3224-4167-4398. It's under construction so it's not amazing atm. 

Also, Inuyasha sequel!!!!!!!!!! Who's a fan?! I absolutely cannot wait for October. Yashahime here we come! 

Eco_otaku out :D 

What now? (A Jak and Daxter fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz