Chapter 9.

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I'm back! Works been super busy lately (I work at the movies) I've been working to 11:15 most nights and I love my sleep ins :) anyway, on with the story!


"Whew! Being a biiiiig hero, sure makes ya thirsty." Dax says. I looked around and I couldn't find Elizabeth anywhere.

"The Baron turned off the water to the slums. He's willing to sacrifice innocent lives just to destroy the Underground. I shouldn't be surprised. I've seen this evil before while serving in the Krimson Guard. That's why I quit."

"You were a Krimson Guard? Huh, that explains your 'charming' sense of humour" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Besides that, where's Ellie?"

"She's out back in the infirmary sleeping." I let out a relieved sigh.

"Anyway, my friend in the guard tells me the valve to turn the water back on is located outside the city, at the pumping station." "Outside the city? What about the security walls?"

Daxter speaks up for the first time after the pipe incident "What about the metal heads! It ain't no petting zoo out there. Peeps be getting deep sixed!"

I looked back at Torn. "Find the large drain pipe in the north wall. It'll take you outside the city to the pumping station. Get to the main valve and open it." I sensed cockiness coming. "If you survive, the slums will be indebted to you, if not, maybe we'll have a touching moment of silence in your honour." Yep, there's the cockiness.

"I'd love to give him a touching moment."

Ellie POV

"...him a touching moment." I woke to a voice from the past. I immediately felt an immense migraine coming on. Great. Those were the worst. Holding my head, I got up slowly. Walking down the hallway I heard Torn's voice. I think that was his name.

"You guys got any water or some painkillers here? My heads killing me." I see Torn whip his head around towards me. "You're awake."

"No shit Sherlock." I see his face grow curious at the name Sherlock. "It's a saying where I'm from." Not wanting to explain the ways of my world.

"Anyway, do you? My heads decided to go 'bam' here's a headache for ya." He shook his head. "We have painkillers but the waters off. I've just sent someone to fix it." If the waters off that means Jak's at the pumping station. Is that right?

"How did I get here? Last thing I remember was being chucked back into my cell." "That boy, Jak I think his name was, brought you here a couple of hours ago. You shouldn't be up, you've got some pretty bad injuries, external and internal." I didn't care, I was used to these injuries by now. It's not like the Baron cared about his test subjects.

"Did you say Jak?" I asked. "Yeah you know him?" I nodded. "We were prison buddies, if those are the right words."

All of a sudden there was a loud gurgle like sound coming from the water pipe. "Looks like those newbies actually did it. I'm surprised." I wasn't. It was Jak and Daxter after all. He passed me a glass and I went over to the pipe to finally get some water for my much needed headache. As i gulped down the water, Torn said something that I had been waiting for for a long time. "Go have a shower. You need one. It's upstairs on the first right and there's some clothes up there as well." I thanked him and walked back up the corridor. I saw three piles of clothes just outside. One for men, one for women and one for kids. After a long look through the women's pile, I decided on an outfit. A long white sleeve top, a brown vest like thing, a pair of denim shorts, some long brown boots and a red scarf. Simple but effective.

Walking into the bathroom, I saw something I hadn't seen in two years, my reflection

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Walking into the bathroom, I saw something I hadn't seen in two years, my reflection. My hair had grown out of it's copper colour back to brown and now went all the way down my back. My skin was deathly pale from no sun and I had lost so much weight.

The biggest change however were my eyes. One remained green but much brighter, but the other had turned a sea like blue. To be honest, I wasn't that surprised with the amount of blue eco that was pumped into me. I guess the green eco made my green eye brighter as well.

Looking away from the mirror, I turned the shower on and hopped inside, not caring that it was still cold. Just being in it was enough for me. One thought kept racing around in my head. 'I am free'

So this is the first chapter I've written on a laptop, all the rest has been on my tiny tablet. I'll go through a few times and see if there is any mistakes but please point out any if you find them (grammar and spelling freak in the building lol) Any Merlin fans out there?!

Anyway, that's all for now

Eco_otaku out

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