Chapter 18.

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Yay I'm back! The world is crazy atm, it  doesn't feel real. It'll be funny when I read this story in like 5 years time and remember all this shit. Also how bad the first couple of chapters are.
Anyway, here's the usual:  I don't own naughty Dog or Jak and Daxter.

(Ellie POV)

Taking off my helmet and goggles, I ran up to the girls. I had so much questions. But the Baron, Erol or the Shadow would be the only ones with answers or the truth. Or Onin.

"So green is healing, blue is speed, red is strength and yellow is a sort of power. Is that right?" I said to them. "Pretty much. Yellow is probably the most complicated."

Thinking back to my green eco lesson with Jak, I tried to remember what it was like when I was going faster then possible. Closing my eyes and consintrating, I began to feel that feeling again.

"There it is again! How are you doing it?!" I opened my eyes and noticed my feet were glowing. Looking at Tess and Chloe, their eyes were wide open. "Your eyes! Look at your eyes!" What was wrong with my eyes?

I saw Chloe get a mirror out and handed it to me. Looking in the mirror, booth my eyes were electric blue. Glowing bright and full with blue eco. I wasn't surprised. Not really. When I used green eco my eyes must of glown green when healed the plant and all of the injured people, but it was dark in the Underground and Torn wasn't paying attention at the time.

"Hey guys, this isn't that amazing. I think it's happened before when I used green eco the other day." I said trying to calm them down.

"Are you kidding? It's incredible! Imagine how fast you could go on a zoomer in a race! With practice, you could even race in the Class 3 race!"

Uh no. Not happening.

"Na, I think I'm good with this track. But changing the subject, is there anyone who could teach me how to use red and yellow eco?" I said crossing my fingers, hoping they'll take the bait.

They just stared at me and gave a disappointing sigh. "I'm not quite sure. The only sage I know is the Shadow and he uses green eco which you already know." Tess says.

"How did you learn to use green eco?" Chloe pipes up.

"The other day Jak taught me how to heal a plant, then Torn made me heal a few injured people at the Underground after they were attacked by the KG."

"So Jak knows how to channel eco?"

"Apparently he used to channel the four main types, but now he can only channel dark eco." I finished sadly.

A light bulb goes off in my head. "Actually, he might be able to help me. He can't channel it anymore but he can give me tips. I'm gonna message him now."

'Jak, Ellie here. I kinda learnt how to use blue eco while racing and  I was wondering if you were able to give me some tips for the last two like you did with the green eco the other day.'

A couple of seconds later, I get a reply. ' That's incredible. Did you want to meet at the Hip Hog or HQ? I've just got to finish a mission for some soothsayer.'

I thought for a bit. 'How about the gun course? There's no one there most of the time and the main area is quite big.' 'Sounds good. I'll see you in 10. Jak'

" I'm gonna meet up with Jak and Daxter at the gun course. I'll see you guys later and I'll be back. I had lots of fun today." I said as I walked off.

(Time skip to the gun course)

As I walked into the gun course, I heard shots coming from the shooting range.

"Come on Jak! Go for the platinum!" Platinum? I thought it only went up to gold. (Is there platinum? I dunno...)

"Hey Dax, are you sure there's platinum?" I said, walking up to him. "I dunno, just trying to push him harder. Besides that, you went racing without us! Traitor!"

I did feel kinda bad racing without them.

"I didn't mean to. Tess messaged me and said to go to the stadium. I didn't know they were gonna make me race." I finished in an apologetic voice. "Fine. You're off the hook this time." He said, pointing his little orange finger at me.

I smiled an headed over to a nearby seat to watch Jak finish the course. I will never stop being amazed at that boys shooting abilities.

The door opened and Daxter hopped off my shoulder to go congratulate Jak. When he got on there, I had no clue.

"Congrats Jak, I guess there was platinum after all." He grinned and gave me the thumbs up.


Is there platinum? Who knows. I just made it up, but it might be there.

Anyway, does anyone have any tips for writing Jak? He's a lot harder than I thought he'd be and I'm having a bit of trouble. Daxter is so much easier. Who woulda thought.

Hope you all liked it btw, I'm enjoying the whole racing part 😊

Bye, bye for now,


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