Chapter 1.

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Disclaimer I do not own Jak 2 sadly.

It was a miserable Monday morning. Rain was pouring down the windows, the wind was howling and to top it all off it was freezing cold.

All the chores were finished and now there was nothing left to do. There was no work today, no parents around and the Spotify playlist had gone back to the start. She was bored. She tried reading but couldn't concentrate. She looked through the PlayStation 4 and Switch games but nothing appealed to her. Her room was a pigsty but 'stuff cleaning, it can wait' she thought.

This girl's name was Elizabeth Simson. Ellie for short. Her dyed copper coloured hair was tied up in a loose ponytail and her green eyes were covered by glasses. Elizabeth was your average 23 year old, broke and still living at home. ( Lol I'm guessing most of the Millennials reading this have the same problem *sigh*)

"What to do, what to do" she said out loud. Heading up the stairs to her bedroom she noticed the PlayStation 2 covered in dust from neglect. Jak 2 was sitting on top of the pile of games next to the old console.

Walking over and sitting on the ground, she thought of all the fanfictions she had read with people getting sucked in when the characters went on the rift rider. 'To be honest, I wish that it was physically possible' she thought to herself.

Waiting to be played, she turned on her old friend and took out Final Fantasy X, her favourite game of all time and put in Jak 2. Having not played it in some time, Elizabeth started a new game.

"For every age, there is a time of trial..." Samos' voice over started an she pressed square, prefering to have the subtitles on. Watching the Cutscene unfold, the sound started to buffer. ' It's an old console' Ellie thought ' It's bound to have something wrong with it.'

" Everybody press all the buttons!" Daxter says but Ellie was no longer listening to the tv, getting more nervous as the sound was starting to increase.

Outside the rain became heavier and the wind became even worse. Thunder was heard close by and a few cracks of lightning appeared lighting up the whole room. 'This only happens in fanfictions, this only happens in fanfictions' was being repeated in Ellie's mind. Closing her eyes and covering her ears, Keira's scream was heard. ' That scream was to loud to hear with your ears covered'. So she opened her eyes and was blinded by a light.

With the light slowly decreasing, Ellie looked around and saw a very familiar city. " What the actual fuck, this can't be real. It just can't." Then she finally realised she was falling, and falling fast. Bracing for impact Ellie finally landed with a large thump. Standing up she almost fainted.

She was in Haven City.

What now? (A Jak and Daxter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now