Chapter 10.

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So this chapter has a little bit of Kiwi humour in it so I'll put what it means at the bottom. I mean it's like two words but ok.🇳🇿
I don't own Jak and Daxter only Elizabeth


Looking down at my comm I see two words 'she's awake'. Grabbing the closest zoomer, not caring that I stole it, I raced as fast as I could back to the hideout.

"Woah there speedy Gonzales, I almost fell off! What's the rush?" Oh right, I had forgotten about Daxter. "I got a message from Torn saying that Ellie's awake." I shouted over the sound of the wind. "Well at least some good came out of this job" Daxter says. I just nod and pressed down harder on the gas.

A few minutes of reckless driving later, we arrived at the hideout. As soon as the zoomer stopped I jumped off and went inside. Looking around I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Torn you said she was up." I said in an angry tone. "Yeah, she's just-"

"I'm right here." Said a familiar voice. I looked over and saw Ellie coming down the hallway in new clothes and looking much better.

"Long time no see Jak." I just smiled. A proper smile this time, not my trademark smirk. "She liiiiikes you" I hear Daxter whisper in my ear but I didn't care at the moment.

A fake cough was heard coming from Torn. I see Ellie looking over at said person.

"Now that that little reunion is over, back to business. The slums water is back on. I'd love to see the heads roll when the Baron finds out." I was loosing my patience with this guy. " Yeah, I'm sure he's loosing lots of sleep over this armpit of the city. We've done what you've asked. Now when do we see the Shadow." I said narrowing my eyes.

Man how hard is it to meet one man?

"When I say so. If I say so. But before I even think about it, I want you to take care of an ammo dump we've I.D'd in the fortress." I see Ellie tense up at the word 'fortress'.

"Lots of Krimzon Guards. Constant patrols. We know it's vulnerable, and the Underground needs you to blow up all the ammo you find inside. Get all of it and we'll deal a body blow to the Baron."

"You're sending us in tough guy! So what's this 'we'll deal a body blow' stuff?"

Ellie was getting paler by the second. She's definitely not coming along.

"That's fine. I want the Baron to know that it's me who's hurting him." I started walking up to Ellie when I hear words that weren't happening.

"And take Elizabeth with you this time." Before I could say anything, Ellie bet me to it.

"*Yeah, na*, that's not gonna happen Torn. I'm no fighter, and I'm not going back into that bloody building again." I see Torn raise an eyebrow at this statement, probably not used to someone saying no to him.

"Fine. You go Jak, and Elizabeth you stay here." I see the victory sign coming from Ellie as I turn to go back to the fortress.

Ellie POV

Watching Jak head through the door, I see Torn looking at me. "If you're not gonna fight, what will you do for the Underground?" He said, folding his arms.

I thought for a bit and came up with a few answers that didn't involve to much fighting or getting killed.

"I have green eco in my system now, maybe I could use it to heal people? Or I could become a spy or something?" Thinking back to Tess's job at the Hip Hog.

I could see that he was thinking about the answers I gave him. "Do you know how to heal people?" I tensed up at that. Of course I don't, I've never been taught. "I could learn. It can't be that hard."

"I'll think about it." Well that's better than nothing

"Those tattoos you have, they're from the KG aren't they?" I asked before he could say anything else.

"Yeah, why's that?"

"I'm just wondering if you knew a man named Keith. He was put in the field about a year ago. Middle aged man with black hair and quite tall?" I asked hoping for a positive response.

"Sorry doesn't ring a bell." I just hung my head.

"Who's Keith?"

"He was a guard outside my cell for a while. The only one nice enough to talk to me. Besides Jak." I said after a few seconds. "I'll ask my friend in the guard if you want." That's right! Ashlin might know! "Thank you. I just don't want him killed for no reason." He nodded in response.

"Even if you're not in the field, I still want the you to learn how to fight and use weapons. Jak can teach you fighting and I've got a good friend who can teach you how to shoot. Got it?" I kinda expected that to be honest.

"When Jak gets back, I'll send you over to the bar she works at and tell her that I sent you."

"Can't we do that tomorrow? I mean Jaks had no sleep since he left prison, I'm still tired and looking at the clock it's almost 9:00pm" I said pointing at the clock.

"Fine. First thing tomorrow though." I watch Torn go over and grab something off a table. "Here's a comm unit to communicate with me or Jak. You'll need it." He said passing me this weird concraption. It looked nothing like a cellphone but I'll figure it out some way or another.

Authors note:

So *yeah, na* is a really casual way of saying no. It was kind of invented like 5 or 6 years ago but we use it in everyday life

Also this story is based on me as a person. If I got stuck in a game like this, no way would I fight and do all those scary missions. Call me a coward but I like living very much.

Until next time

What now? (A Jak and Daxter fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ