Chapter 20.

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Yes I'm back. I know I've taken a bit of a break. Soz. Also this laptop won't let me change fonts... sigh. I don't know about this chapter, it's a bit weird so sorry in advance.

Naughty Dog owns Jak and Daxter, not me.

(Ellie POV)

Walking out of the safety of the city, I noticed just how run down the outer ring was. Knowing the this used to be part of the city made me quite emotional. People had lives here and were happy, then the metal heads turned it into this. Something that was unrecognizable. Something horrible.

Jak must've felt my unease, as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Be careful. Everything here wants to kill you, so stay close." I pushed off his hand in anger and walked towards the closest enemy and killed it with no mercy. 

I was pissed. Did he really think I was uneasy because I was scared?

"Hey, why are you so angry?" I hear from behind me. I sighed and turned to Jak.

"Sorry, I'm not angry at you or Daxter. I'm angry at the Baron and the metal heads for turning this place into this. I heard from Tess that this place used to be a happy, bustling town. Now it's just one large gravesite." 

I turned around so Jak wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall. "Let's just get this over with."

Lifting my gun, I shot another one of the lizard things. Besides giving directions, Jak kept quiet. Either he was starting to feel the same way as me, or he was scared of my shooting style. Probably the latter as my shooting was slowly improving.

Finally speaking up, I ask a question that I've wanted to know for a long time.

"Does it hurt when you absorb the dark eco?You don't have to anwser if you don't want to. I'm just curious." Looking over at Jak, I see him staring at the sky.

"Only a little bit. When it first happened I kinda freaked out. I'm used to it now though."

I looked forward and noticed that the sacred site was getting closer.

"Although using green eco is one of the most painful thing ever. Probably because dark and green don't mix very well." (got this idea from LunaLucrea on

"So if I tried to heal you now with my green eco abilities, it would kind of do the opposite?" Jak just nodded.

All of a sudden I felt really bad. I'd been talking a lot about how I can channel green and blue eco, and possibly red and yellow.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

I looked over at Jak. "For saying all those things. About using green and blue eco. I hope it didn't make you bad or angry at me."

Jak looked stunned. "I'm not angry at you. I'm happy. Iv'e never known someone who can channel all eco besides myself and I've always wanted to teach someone."

Now I was the one stunned. I had never thought of it that way.

Turning around the next corner, there were a few of the scorpion metal heads. "Now's probably a good time to teach you some fighting techniques."

(Teaching fighting is gonna be a lot harder then teaching eco because I at least I had something to go off, so bear with me here)

"Ok let's begin. First show me how you would attack that metal head." Thinking back to fighting anime like Dragonball Z and Fairy Tail, I went into a fighting stance that might be ok.

One fist forward, the other by my side with my elbow bent. Feet apart and standing slightly on an angle.

"That's actually an ok stance. Now punch into my hand." He held his out his hand with his palm facing me. I thought of Natsu's 'fire dragon fist' and punched Jak's hand.

Just before it hit, I saw a red glow coming from my hand. As it collided, Jak fell back on the ground. I looked at my hand in surprise and went to see if Jak was ok.

"Looks like you've got red eco mostly under your control." He said laughing as I helped him up.

"That was totally awesome!" I looked over at Daxter who was getting off the ground. "With Jak's dark eco powers and your eco powers, this trio is goona rock!" I smiled and was now  going to come up witha name for us.

"So punching is all good, let's try kicking." Looking at Jak, he had his arms in front of him in a defensive stance. Getting into another fighting stance, I kicked Jak's arm, hoping the red eco would work again. Luckily it did and Jak was prepared for it this time, even though he was pushed back a few steps.

"That's pretty good. Are you sure you haven't fought before?" To be honest I didn't know what to say.

"To tell the truth, I'm just copying some stuff I've watched on tv." I said sheepishly and scratching the back of my head.

"Well whatever it is, it's working." Daxter says.

"Ok now for the real thing. Hand me your gun and then go kill that metal head over there." He said pointing to the closest scorpion. Reluctantly I handed over my gun over to Jak and walked to the closest enemy.

As I got into my preferred stance, I could feel something surge through my body. Something completely different from the green and blue. It felt hot, like I was burning up. How ironic. First I think of Natsu's fire dragon fist and now I get this feeling.

Since it was a small metal head I decided to kick it. Even though it was fast, I was faster. Probably thanks to my blue eco abilities. I'd never be that fast in real life. I ended up kicking it off the edge so who knows if it died or not.

"Not to shabby." I hear Jak say from behind me and handing my gun back. I give him a small smile and we carried on.

As we came up to a corner,  I realised that it was the last one until we reached our destination. Walking up to the sacred site I see Jak and Daxter's eyes widen.

"Is that, is that. No it couldn't be. That's not..."

"It's Samos' hut." I looked at the boys then back at the hut.

"But what, how, when, where, why!?"

'Where in the future Dax. This horrible place, is our world!"

Even though I already knew, I still felt bad. Imagine finding out your home had been reduced to this. All of a sudden I felt homesick. Even though they were in a different time, they were still home in a way.

I had nothing. I had friends, yes. But I had no home and certainly no family.


Sorry for taking so long, I've been playing animal crossing and final fantasy 7 remake. Not really a excuse but oh well...

I'm also 24 now, where the hell is the time going?!

btw can anyone find the final fantasy x reference in here?

Over and out :)

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