Chapter 23.

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I can't believe it's been nearly a whole year since I started this story. This year has gone waaaaaaaayyyyy to fast! Anyway, sorry for the late update. I've had a writers block and been working a lot lately. 

Jak and Daxter does not belong to me. Unfortunately.

(Jak POV)

Watching Ellie leave the room, I felt a twinge of anger grow inside me. Why was she acting like this? All I wanted to do was help. And what does she do? Act like a child.

"Focus soldier!" I hear Daxter shout from my shoulder. Right, focus on the race. Grabbing a booster, I shot up to second place with one lap to go.

(Ellie POV)

Watching Jak race, I felt slightly jealous. Being here and actually watching it, it looked fun. Except when people got pushed off the track and down into the abyss. 

As the boys headed into the tunnel once more, my eyes went to the large tv screen. I was on the edge of my seat as I saw Jak taking unnecessary risks. Cutting corners way too close, grabbing boosters on corners and getting way too close to the edge. Other racers seemed only to bump into him, probably because he was fresh meat. 

When they got to the last lap, they got into first. And stayed that way until they crossed the finish line, at least a minute ahead of the other racers. As the applause started, I got up and made my way through the crowd and headed towards Keira's garage. I walked into the room just as jak put the trophy on the bench.

"When is this city gonna provide some challenge, huh?"

"Please Dax, you were only shouting stuff and pointing the fingers at the other drivers. We all know Jak was the one doing the driving." I said, making my appearance. Daxter just huffed and crossed his arms while Jak just stared blankly at me. I was about to say something when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Hey. I watched your race today. You were pretty amazing out there." I could see Jak was slightly embarrassed by the praise.

"Oh, thanks. Uh Keira, this is Ashelin. She's just-"

"Everyone knows who she is." Keira said, butting in.

"And Keira's a-"

"A friend. A very GOOD friend."

I gave a small huff and turned to Ashelin. "Thanks for helping out with that tanker Jak, Ellie. You saved a lot of lives. I'm not my father you know. Ever since I was a little girl, I've looked down at the city streets from that ridiculous palace, and imagined a better place."

" By the way, they're hunting for the both of you. I'd watch out for Erol, I can't protect you from him."

We all watched in awe as Ashelin left the room after her speech.

"Wow, she's a betty! And she likes you Jak! Not that I can account for her tastes. I bet you'd love to pin some medals on her chest, huh?" I glared at Daxter and Keira walked away.

"What? What'd I say?  What did you say Jak?"

I started to walk away as well when I heard a rough voice coming from behind me.

"You're just just gonna walk away again?" I stopped in my tracks but kept quiet. 

"Look, I don't know what I did wrong, but I don't exactly deserve the silent treatment." I gave up and turned around.

"You didn't do anything wrong. not really. I just wanted to have some fun and ended up fighting metal heads. You can't protect me all the time Jak. Besides, we were both acting like kids." I said, choosing my words wisely. I also noticed that Daxter had mysteriously disappeared.

"I can try, just watch me." I heard him whisper. 

"My whole life has been extremely boring. Nothing interesting has ever happened. Then one day I'm here in Haven. Sure, I've been experimented on, but because of that I've gained many friends. I've learnt how to fight. I've learnt how to race. I've seen things people in my world could never comprehend."

" Then one day I have a fight with my best friend. Jak, you're the first friend I've had since I was eleven. You don't know how I feel." My head was looking at the ground, my bangs covering my eyes.

"You're right, I don't. I've had Daxter and Keira my whole life and most of it's been an adventure. I've always wanted to protect the ones I care about, and I'm just like you in a way. You were also the first friend I made in Haven, and I care about my friends even if it doesn't look like it very much."

As he trailed off, I looked up. His eyes were full of determination, yet they looked angry like they always do. Maybe I was the only one who could see past that anger.

Making up my mind, I put my hand out. "Truce?" he looked at it, then grabbed and shook it.

"Truce. We both acted like kids, didn't we?" I gave a chuckle and nodded. "By the way, congrats on winning the race." He gave a sheepish grin and blushed a little. "Thanks."

As we walked out of the stadium, Jaks comm went off. "It's a message from Samos. He wants to meet us at Onins tent."


I actually really like this chapter because it's so personal. Writing it, I just wrote about myself and my life, which is actually quite sad... Na, it's not. I'm lying. My life is pretty sweet :)

Anyway, I'm almost at the tomb part. Should Ellie go with them or get captured? Choices.

I'm out and ready to go to bed.

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