Chapter 13.

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So I'm back with a new chapter. Finally.
This one is more of a filler, actually a lot are but I hope it's ok :)
Jak and Daxter belong to Naughty Dog not me sadly.

Ellie POV

"I have to go talk to that girl over there but good luck with Krew" I said with both my thumbs up and headed over to Tess. I see Jak mouth 'save me' but I just ignored it and carried on.

Sitting on a bar stool I started up a conversation. "You must be Tess" I say. "Torn sent me to you to teach me how to use a gun." I didn't want to learn, I hated guns.

"It's good to see you much healthier. It's Elizabeth right?" She said, passing me a glass of water.

"Yup, but most people call me Ellie. Elizabeth sounds to formal in my opinion." I put my chin on the counter, still recovering from Jak's driving.

"I don't want to learn, but Torn's making me and I don't really want to learn from Jak." I whispered the last part so Jak couldn't hear me. "He's just to reckless." I hear Tess give a quiet chuckle and I just sighed.

"Hey Ellie, do you wanna come to the gun course with me and Fax? I'm gonna go test this baby out." Jak says from behind me. I really hope he didn't hear what I just said.

"Na I'm good. You go have fun with your new toy."

"'Kay, suit yourself. I'll be back soon."

As he walked away he sounded disappointed. "Did he sound sad or disappointed to you?" "Kinda, maybe he wanted to show off in front of you? That seems like a boy thing to do. Or maybe he likes you?"

Yeah right. He likes Keira. Always has, always will.

"I doubt it Tess. I'm pretty sure he likes someone else." "And who would that be? The only people he's known in the last two years are you, Daxter, Torn, Sig and Krew." I just sighed at this.

After a while I hear the door open and Jak comes in with a huge grin on his face. Knowing him he must've gotten the gold medal or something.

I heard Jak and Daxter talk to Krew about the guns in the sewers. No way in hell am I going in there. It might be fine in the game, but being here in the flesh, it's a completely different experience.

I see Jak's face light up at the words 'gun upgrade', the yellow one. It was always my favourite.

He started walking over to me and started talking, but straight away I stopped him.

"Na ah. No way am I going down there." I said with my arms crossed in a X shape. "I heard your confo with Krew about going into the sewers." His face dropped. "But; when you get back, I'll come to the gun course with you and Torn said that you have to teach me hand to hand combat. Deal?" I said holding out my hand. "Deal".

He shook my hand, smiled and headed towards the door. "I've just sealed my doom haven't I Tess." "Most likely."

While I waited for the boys to return, we decided to talk about random things, completely forgetting about gun training.

"Then he threw a whole bucket of water on me! Who the hell does that?!" I said throwing my arms up in protest. "And then Torn sided with them!" I finished.

Tess just smiled, no it was more of a smirk. "I know that look Tess. What's going on in your brain?" "Nothing, nothing." I wasn't convinced but I let it go.

I heard my comm go off and it was Torn.

'I can't get a hold of Jak do when he gets back from wherever he is, can you come back to the hideout. Torn'

'He's in the sewers at the moment and I'm with Tess. When he gets back we've gotta make one pit stop though. Ellie.'


"Yup. I said I was with you, so hopefully he thinks we're at the gun course" I finished with a laugh.

I'm back finally! Being in lock down has its perks I suppose. Hope everyone is safe out there with this bloody virus going around.

Never thought I'd say this but I miss work. Mainly my work mates.

Stay safe :)

Eco_otaku out

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