Chapter 28.

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Jak and Daxter do not belong to me. :( 

(Ellie POV)

As we left the tent once more, the thought of the tombs possible outcomes ran through my head. That tomb was freaky. Massive spiders, never ending pits of doom, electric lasers near water- "Hey, you all good in there?" Jak's voice got me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, just thinking of what might be in the tomb. Should we even go in there? It is a tomb after all, not some place to explore." I say, as Daxter hops on my shoulder as we enter a zoomer. 

"I'm with Ellie with this one. What if there's ghosts or monsters"

"Especially ghosts."

"Yes, especially ghosts. I say, lets not go."

As we drove off, Jak had a counter argument.  "But what about the stone? We need to get it before Praxis does. The same stone that's suppose to save us from all this bullshit."

As Jak and Daxter argued back and forth, I watched as the cars and buildings became a blur from Jaks crazy driving. "Do you guys even know where Mars Gate actually is in the temple?" I say, still watching the scenery go by.

"Yup! We shoot this thing down, then we go down a thing and then the gate thing is right there." I sweat dropped.

"That's very descriptive Dax."

"You're welcome."

Getting out of the zoomer and heading up the ramp, I remembered the about the warp gate and my previous experiences with it. Heading up to it I paused. 

"Can you guys go first? I'm gonna take my time with this." They snickered and jumped through the gate. I took a deep breath and stumbly jumped through the gate.

On the other side, Daxter was yawning and this time Jak was pointing to his invisible watch. "Yeah, yeah, laugh at me all you want but that" pointing at the ring "is not my normal way of transportation." I looked at their surprised faces and carried on.

"So where's this 'thing' you're supposed to shoot down?" I ask.

"Forward, my noble steed!" I hear Dax say from Jaks shoulder. Giving a quick sigh, I followed on behind until we got to the floating platform. Jak quickly shoots it down and jumped to the other side. I was just about to jump when I hear Jak shouting at me. "Wait! That thing flips back around after a few seconds!" Oh right, forgot about that.

After said few seconds past, the thing flipped back upside down(?) and I get my gun out. The aiming light appeared as I aimed towards the floating  platform and shot it, spinning it around. Not bothering to put my gun away, I quickly jumped to the other side.

As we went down the elevator and walked up to the gate, Dax hops to my shoulder. "How many metal heads do you think will be in there?" He asked as Jak opened the gate. "To be honest with you, probably none. This area has been sealed off long before the metal head war hasn't it?" I said, the end more of a question than a statement. Jak looked surprised and Daxter looked relieved. "Don't quote me on it though."

As we went through the forest, my words seemed to ring true. The place was overgrown with weeds and flowers, it had definitely not been touched for a very long time.

A few times I had to climb on Jaks back to grind down some railing, as I didn't have a jet-board, but most of the time we were just cruising. Chatting about nothing in particular, like how grumpy Torn can be, how dense the KG were, and what would happen if we won the war.

"I'm gonna own a bar, that's what I'm gonna do. The best bar in Haven City, The Naughty Ottsel. I can see it now." Oh how true that dream was. "You don't wanna find a way home?"

"Well maybe, but I feel like a city boy now. What about you Ellie?"

I had to think for a minute. I missed home but I had gained a new one. I had friends and I finally feel like someone.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I'd probably try and look for a way home, but it feels like I'm a long way from finding it." And that was the truth. The only way I could think of getting home was when the Precursors arrived after the Dark Maker war. Not even the ring in the metal head nest could take me home as it was connected to Jaks timeline. Not a different dimension.

"Well that's depressing. way to ruin the mood." I just shrugged. "How about you Jak? You've been really quiet so far."

I saw him look up at the sun. Must be around midday. "I want to protect this city. I don't know why cause they welcomed us with needles, but I feel like it's my duty, or something like that." He said, muttering the last part.

If only he knew.


As promised, here's another chapter in the last couple of days. 

Been a crazy week though. Dad was counted as a close contact for Covid so we (me, mum and dad) all had to get tested. Was not fun. Had a few days off work though which is nice considering Spiderman and all. Marvel movies are always a pigsty to clean and the crowds are huge. Everyone is happy though which is a plus.

I had to shift my session of Spidey to next Tuesday because of said Covid which sucks and gives more time for spoilers. >:(

BTW Christmas is only a few days away... How!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope to publish again soon :) 

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