Chapter 6.

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Hey Everyone I'm back! Chapter 6 already, then again Jak's only just getting out of prison 😌  I've already hand written 14 chapters so it's just editing them and chucking them on.
The 6th time: I do not own naughty dog :(

Jak Pov

Getting out of there was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Daxter must've had some inside contacts or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised.

Jumping out of the fortress and onto the streets, I heard Ellie stir slightly. Looking down, I thought of what she had to go through in the last couple of years.

"Hello strangers, my name is Kor. May I help-" I hear a gruff voice coming from behind me. I turn around and see an old man and a kid.

"You look like a reasonably smart man. I want information. Where the hell am I?" That came out angrier than it should of, also I could've just asked Daxter. Speak of the devil, I see him talking to the kid. "Well my angry young friend" angry, yeah I guess that's true. "You are a 'guest' of his 'majesty' Baron Praxis, the ruler of 'glorious' Haven City"

Haven City?

"I was just a 'guest' in the good Baron's prison." "Inside a cell or inside the city, walls surround us both; we are all his prisoners."

Taking in what this old dude had told me I heard familiar metal footsteps approaching. "Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I -I'd move along if I was you"

Krimzon Guards. Great.

By order of his Eminence, the grand protector, Baron Praxis, everyone in this section is hereby under arrest for suspicion of harbouring Underground fugitives. Surrender and Die!"

"Uh excuse me sir, don't you mean surrender OR die?!" "Not in this city" I hear Kor say. "Protect us from these guards and I'll introduce someone who can help you!"

(I've never written an action scene before so bear with me)

To be honest I didn't really give a shit about the old man and kid, but I wanted to protect me, Ellie and Daxter.

About twenty or so guards came charging up to us, most of them with weapons. Already an unfair advantage. Running up to the closest guard, I kicked him hard, straight in the ribs making him fall over in pain. Kicking and punching them in their vital body parts all while dodging their bullets, I felt like I was gaining the upper hand.

Blood was splattering all over the street, but I didn't care. I started feeling stronger and stronger, killing one guard after the other and enjoying it. Not long after I thought that, everything was a blur.

"That was cool! Do it again!" Do what? What happened?

"Something's happening to me. Something he did. I can't control it." "Very impressive" I hear Kor say. Impressive? I just killed over twenty guards and turned into, something. "Uh, you okay Jak?" I hear Daxter from my shoulder. No I'm not.

"What you just did was very brave. This child is important." Walking over to Ellie (Sorry, I forgot about her) a large zoomer was heard close by.

"You're in a restricted zone. Move along." There's a ton of dead soldiers on the ground and he didn't notice? Oh well. "Thank you for your help but I must get this boy to safety." Um, you were gonna introduce someone?

"Hey what about us?!"

"There's a underground group waging war against Baron Praxis. It's leader, the Shadow, could use fighters like you. Go to the slums, find a dead end alley near the city wall. Ask for Torn. He can help you. Also here's a map of the slums. Good luck.

This chapter was mainly game dialogue other than my crappy fighting scene lol.

There's more coming up in the next couple of days so stay tuned!

Eco_otaku out :)

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