Chapter 15.

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Well that was quick. I think I updated yesterday and now again today. (Who's a good lil Lois XD)
Anyway here's another chapter. I don't own ND blah blah

(Ellie POV)

Heading back to the Underground with our stomachs full, Jak actually drove at a normal speed. Having just eaten a massive lunch, I didn't want it wasted on the ground outside HQ.

As we entered the hideout we once again saw Torn at the table. "One of the mining operations is under attack by the metal heads."  Torn says.

"That's not our problem." "It is our problem when the Foreman's one of the Underground's best informants! His name is Vin and he's just valuable enough to save. Find the warp gate at the power station and use it to travel to the strip mine, so you can rescue Vin's pathetic hide."

I hear Daxter speak up. "Hey! Tattooed Wonder, how come we get all the crappy missions?"

"Because. I. Don't. Like. You." Torn said, poking Daxter between each word until he fell off the table.

"Fair enough."

"Whatever deal the Baron made with the metal heads, the city's eco is almost gone, and his time is running out. If we don't get the kid on the throne soon, there may not be a city left to defend."

Before Torn walks away I ask a very simple, easy request. "Torn, I wanna go along to but I have no weapon. I practiced with Jak's but it was to heavy for me. Do you have a hand gun or something with no kick lying around? Please?"

Torn sighed and reached under the table. " Is she any good?" "She got bronze in the gun course."

I just put my hands on my hips, pissed that they were talking about me and not to me.

Torn looked surprised and handed me a gun, about half the size of Jak's. So it wasn't tinsy but it wasn't ginormous. A good size all up.


"Come back alive and then thank me." I huffed and walked out the door.

"Can I drive this time? I've never driven something like this before." I said with puppy dog eyes to Jak. I finally saw the eyes of defeat. "Fine, just don't set off the alarm."

"And don't kill us!"

"Dax, that's Jak's job when he's driving." Jak just scowled.


I hopped on the front and schooched forward a bit. I felt Jak hop on behind me and put his hands around my waist.

"Click that button and the map of the city will show up." He says, pointing to the dashboard. I clicked on it and it had a red dot on it. "Is that our destination?" I said, pointing to the dot. "Yup. K left is brake and right is go." (I think) "I know, I know."

I grabbed hold of the handle bars tightly, and pressed down lightly on the accelerator, making it move slowly. I saw on the dashboard that there was low and high. Probably hover modes. I pressed high so I wouldn't hit citizens or guards and slowly picked up the pace.

Those two have probably fallen asleep at my 'snail's pace' but who cares. I didn't. Following the dot, we went through the industrial section and up the ramp towards the power station.

When we got there, I pressed down hard on the brakes on purpose, getting their attention. It worked. "What was that for? I almost went face first onto the ground!" Jak and I chuckled and he got off first. "I was trying to get your attention and it looked like it worked." Daxter just scowled as we entered the power station.

Getting closer to the warp gate, I stopped. Teleportation hadn't been invented in my world so of course I was nervous.

"What's up?" Jak says from behind me. "I've never been through one of these before. We don't have this kind of technology." The duo looked stunned at this information. Having these would be second nature to them.

"Your first go might feel a bit weird, kind of like being pulled apart but with no pain. If that makes any sense." It must be hard explaining something that you've known your whole life.

I walked forward and slowly went through it. Jak was right. It was weird and it did feel like I was being pulled apart. As soon as I felt it though, it was gone and I was on the other side.

Looking around the strip mine, I noticed it was pretty barren. All of a sudden, I was face first on the ground and something heavy was on top of me. "Sorry, I thought you would've moved by now." So the heavy thing was Jak. I had completely forgotten that he was coming through.

"Na, it's my fault. I should've moved. But you are getting heavy Jak." It was an awkward situation considering we could be attacked at any second.

"Oh, uh sorry. I'll hop off now." He sounded flustered and Dax was snickering.

Getting up and dusting my knees off, I realised that I hadn't used this gun before. "Stay close to me and shoot anything that moves. It's your first time in the field, so just be careful." I nodded and cocked my gun, ready to go.

The whole time I stuck next to Jak, shooting the odd metal head. This wasn't me. I'm no fighter, but I wanted to prove myself to Torn that I could hold my own in the field.

I saw that we were almost there because of the stingers (?) and the conveyer belts. We arrived at the door and Jak pressed the button to open the door. And of course bullets came flying out.

"Stay back!" Vin screams. "Do something Jak! This guy's crazy!" "Hey are you Vin? We're here to help. Torn sent us." Shots kept firing. Jak was obviously getting annoyed with the man.

"Look, if we were here to kill you, you wouldn't be talking right now!" The shooting stopped. Finally I could breathe again.

"Oh, friendlies? Oh thank goodness! Wait where's the army?" "Uh, we're it..."

"What? Just you three? What do they think I'm worth." I also was loosing my patience. "Hey, we just spent the last hour or so fighting metal heads to save your butt and you greeted us with bullets!" Jak and Daxter looked at me surprised at my outburst.

"Ellie's right. If you want, you can stay here and be metal meat, but Ellie, Daxter and I are leaving before those monsters get back."

Vin was fast out the door but I think I was faster. As soon as Jak had finished that sentence, I was already going through the warp gate.


The whole time I wrote this chapter I was listening to the Skyrim soundtrack. That may have helped make the time go faster lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Vin chapter, I certainly had fun writing it!

Stay safe,

Eco_otaku 😊

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