Chapter 19.

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Sorry for the long update, I've been busy playing Animal Crossing 😅 Who woulda thought fishing and gardening could be so fun. Anyway, I've just started writing a new fanfiction, Inuyasha X oc crossover and hopefully I'll put the first chapter up soon.
Jak 2 is not mine

(Ellie POV)

As we headed out the door, I see Jak walking in the direction of the power station. Thinking back to the game, I ran the latest missions. Jak had gone to Keira. Jak went to 'save' Ashlin. Jak went to Onin. I guess it was almost climbing the palace time.

"You said you channeled blue eco?" I hear Jak say getting me out of my thoughts. "I was racing with my foot flat down but somehow I kept going faster. I told Tess on the comm and she said my eyes and feet were glowing bright blue. She also wants me to race but that would technically be cheating."

Looking over at Jak, I could see he was thinking hard about something.

"You're the only one in this city who has the experience using red and yellow eco. How do I learn those two?" I asked.

"For the red eco, I'm gonna have to teach you hand to hand combat. Which I was supposed to anyway." Jak said, scratching the back of his head.

"For the yellow eco, I'm not sure. It's a complicated one." "That's what Tess said."

We walked in silence for a while, all of us thinking. Well Dax had fallen asleep so he didn't count.

"I need to speak to Vin for a bit, if that's ok?" I nodded. Before climbing the palace, the button thingys need to be pressed.

(Time skip to the power station)

As we walked through the door, I saw Vin doing some maths equation or something like that. I dunno.

"Vin buddy, we need a favour." I hear Jak say. "I can't help you with your eco bill."

"We need you to switch on the access elevator in one of the Barons support towers."

"Sheesh, that's part of the B-zone power grid. It hasn't worked for years!"

"Well if it's to hard for you, I understand. Power stuff can be tricky." Jak said, winking at me and Dax.

As Vin talked about grids and stuff, I headed over to one of the work stations. I've never been good with technology. I'm not terrible, but some stuff is way to complicated. Glancing over the bench, all of it intrigued me. Sure there's stuff in my world but this was completely next level.

"Just don't tell the Baron I ever saw you." Vin finished.

"Ellie, you should head back to HQ. We can handle this." I could tell he was worried about me and that he didn't want me caught up in his revenge plan. Also, I wouldn't last a second on that crazy bridge.

"Just be careful Jak and don't die on me. Also Dax, don't you fall off his shoulder." Making sure Daxter didn't feel left out. "And you owe me some fighting lessons remember?"

(Time skip to the hideout)

Walking into the hideout, I was worried about them. They're about to fight the Baron after all and they didn't even know it.

I headed towards the kitchen to grab some grub as my stomach wouldn't shut up. "We've found that man Elizabeth." I hear Torn say from behind me. I whipped my head around, my eyes wide open.

"Ashlin says he's a guard patrolling around the farming district. Here's a security pass to get you there. Be careful, he might no be the man you remember." I nodded and took the pass from Torn's hand and walked out of the hideout once more.

As I drove through the slums, a thought came to mind. How am I gonna find him if all their armour is the same? Just ask each guard I see? I just need to act like a normal civilian.

Lol, normal civilian my ass.

As I got closer to the farming district, I tried my hardest to cover my ears with my long hair so maybe they wouldn't stand out so much. Doubt it worked though.

I decided to ask the first guard I saw, go from there and hoped it worked.

"Hey, Mr guard?" He looked down at me although I couldn't see his expression. "What do you want young lady?" Aw young lady.

"I was looking for a guy named Keith and was told he worked around here. He's a good friend, but I haven't seen him since he went into the field." I finished with my signature puppy dog eyes.

"Yo, Keith! Some girl wants to talk to you." I see a KG walk over to us. "What is it, young lady?" I looked over at the other guard. "Can we talk in private please?" The other guard walked off sighing.

Looking back at Keith, I could just see them, but I remembered those eyes. Bright green and full of life.

Putting my long hair behind my ears, I looked him straight in the eyes. " Do you remember me Keith? We used to talk all the time about a year ago." I waited for a second then I saw his eyes widen.

"Elizabeth? You escaped?" I nodded. "So that was you and that other boy who are the prisoners who escaped the other day. I nodded again and smiled.

"You're not gonna turn us in are you? It took Jak's friend ages to get us out."

"Of course not. But how did you find me?"

"Torns got a few connections in the KG still. But don't tell him I said that." I just hoped I wouldn't get in to much trouble for saying that.

"The Underground's dangerous Elizabeth. Whatever you do, don't go in the field that much." I was about to say something when my comm went off.

'We're about to head to some sacred site. Do you wanna come? Jak.'

I looked at my comm then back at Keith who's eyes were filled with worry.

"Don't worry Keith. All I do in the Underground is heal people and explore the odd place." I said, trying to ease his mind.

"Very well, here's my comm number if you wanna talk again. Wait, heal people?" I have a small smirk. "Turns out the Baron did me a favour." I hear my comm go off again.

'You coming or not? Orange Lightning.'

"I should probably go. Jak will be getting worried and Daxter's probably getting pissed off. But I will contact you again. You're a good friend Keith." I gave him a smile then gave him a hug which surprised him.

"Goodbye Keith, and stay safe." I said walking off.

Thinking I should reply to Jak, I write a quick message. 'Where abouts? Ellie.' The city map pops up on my comm with a red dot pointing to dead town. Once I was out of Keith's view, I stole the closest zoomer and drove to dead town.

When I arrived, I saw Jak looking slightly pissed with his arms crossed and Dax was looking at his invisible watch. I rolled my eyes at Daxter and looked back at Jak.

"You're late." He said cocking his gun. Once again rolling my eyes, I give an 'apology'.

"Well sooorrryy. I was talking to an old friend that I haven't seen in ages. Let's just head to this sacred site so I can go to bed." This time I was pissed off. I grabbed my gun and headed through the door, leaving the dynamic duo behind.


Whew! This chapter took for ages to write! It's kinda a bit of a filler but oh well.
Next time is finally the sacred site!
But for now...

I'm outta here. My fingers hurt. 😆

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