Chapter 11.

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I'm actually quite proud of this chapter :) took me a while to write it though
Disclaimer: do not own Jak 2


Getting off the ground and off Daxter, I noticed that it was almost dark. After a while my comm ding 'Hey Jak, Ellie here. Just figuring out how this thing works. Also Torn says you can call it a day. Ellie. P.S can you please hurry cause he's getting on my nerves and there's no one else to talk to.' I gave a small chuckle and picked up my pace.

Heading into the hideout, I see Ellie holding a dead plant and trying to do something to it.

I walked up and raised an eyebrow. "I'm trying to make it better using green eco" she said. "But so far no luck. I think Torn wants you though." I smiled and headed over to Torn.

"The demolition duo has returned. One barbecued ammo dump, served up hot!"

"We saw something odd while we were torching that ammo. The Baron's guards were giving barrels filled with eco, to a group of metal heads!" I finished.

"Really? The Shadow will be very interested to hear that." I was about to say something but Dax bet me to it.

"You know, your gigs have been easier than stealing grass from a sleeping yakow." I just facepalmed and shook my head.

"So you and the rodent want to start proving yourselves? One of our 'suppliers' needs his payment delivered. A bag of eco ore. Take the zoomer parked out back and drive to to the Hip Hog Heaven saloon in South Town. Ask for Krew, he'll be there. And don't let the Baron's patrols stop you."

"By the way, when you get there, pump Krew for information. He's wired into the city and may know what the Baron is up too. But do that tomorrow. Right now get some sleep."

As I walked over to Ellie, she was still trying to heal the wilted plant.

"Do you want me to teach you? I used to be able to channel green eco and I might be able to give you a few tips." I offered. I saw her eyes glimmer with hope.

"Yeah, Jak used to be the bomb at channeling eco back in the day." Daxter pipes up.

I sat down next to her and remembered my lessons with Samos. "I'm not my teacher but I'll try my best. So start by crossing your legs like your meditating, relax and close your eyes." I watched her as she followed my instructions.

"Now focus on your breathing. Just forget everything and focus. Good. After a while you should be able to feel something. Kind of like when get full. Can you feel it?" I ask. In a few seconds I get a nod.

"Ok, now put your hands on the plant. That something you feel, try and bring it out through your body and into your hands." Her hands were slowly getting a green glow around them.

"Your almost there. Now concentrate and push the energy you feel out of your hands and into the plant. Imagine it healthy and thriving. Relax a bit more and push it out." I could see the plant growing greener by the second.

"Remember how that feels. Etch it into your mind. Now, you may open your eyes." I finished, a smile laced in my voice. She opened her eyes and her mouth turned into an O shape, obviously stunned at what happened.

"Take that Torn! And you said that I couldn't learn in a thousand years!" Ellie sung with laughter in her voice as she mocked Torn.

I looked over at him and he was just buried in his paperwork, not caring which made me chuckle. Daxter had passed out on the bed next to me, obviously exhausted from today's adventures and Ellie was still dancing around the room mocking an uninterested Torn.

All of a sudden I felt someone engulf me in a massive hug. "Thank you Jak" Ellie whispered in my ear.

"Thank you for everything."

A\N: I wonder if anyone can guess what this chapter was based off. Like I said at the top I had so much fun writing this chapter and I hope everyone enjoys it :D

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