Chapter 12.

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Anybody who guessed it was based off Dragonball Z when Gohan was teaching Videl how to fly, you are correct. I always tried that when I was a kid. Was always disappointed.
I don't own Jak and Daxter.

(3rd person POV)

That night, Jak and Ellie just talked to each other and this time it wasn't a one sided conversation. Jak talked about Sandover and his adventures to turn Daxter back into a human and how he became an ottsel in the first place.

Ellie talked about her life in 'The Naki'*. She talked about her family, job, childhood, anything that came to mind.

After a while, Torn got pissed off at them and took his paperwork to his own office. Why he didn't do that in the first place, neither of them knew.

They talked about little things like favourite food or favourite colour. Anything that came to mind. After a while they decided to call it quits because it was almost one in the morning and they had an early start. Ellie grumbled at that saying she hated early mornings and preferred to sleep in.

The next morning, Jak had to resort to dumping a cold bucket of water on top of Ellie, as pulling sheets off didn't work, having been used to next to nothing for two years.

"Really Jak?! A bucket of water? That's like the oldest trick in the book!" "It was the only way to wake you up. Besides, we have to go and meet this 'Krew' dude today." Jak said, trying not to laugh at Ellie's soaking, pissed off state. "Yeah sleepy head, you're rolling with the big boys today"

Ellie reluctantly got up and headed towards the bathroom muttering something about 'stupid immature boys.' or something like that.

Ellie POV

"I still can't believe that he poured a whole bucket of ice cold water on me! He could of least made it luke warm." I mumbled to myself as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Well you wouldn't get up, what else do you expect?" I hear Torn say from behind me.

"By the way, I think the rodent recorded it all." Great. Just great.

Getting angrier by the second. I stormed out the hideout and up to Daxter who was waiting on a nearby zoomer.

"Where is it Daxter? I know your furry butt recorded all that. Torn ratted you out!" I growled. (Lol ratted)

"Whatever do you mean? I would never do such a thing. Jak she's accusing me of a crime I didn't commit!" Jak just watched us banter back an forth for a while, not bothering to pick a side. "Ok you guys, that's enough. We gotta head to South Town to deliver this package."

I just turned my back to Daxter and I'm guessing he had done the same. Jak sighed and sat on the zoomer. "You coming Ellie?" I got out of my angry trance and hopped on behind him.

I heard the zoomer revving and remembered Jak was a speed demon. "Can you please drive like a civilised citizen?" I ask nicely. "I could, but where's the fun in that?"

I felt my breakfast almost leave my stomach as he pressed down hard on the accelerator and sped off almost banging into some guards.

"Jaaaaak!! Slow the f down!" "I can't! The guards have caught on to us!" He yells as bullets fly past us. "Keep your head down, we're coming up to another road block!"

I just buried my head into Jak's back until we got there. "Ellie we're here now and I can't breathe." I realised we had arrived at the Hip Hog in one piece and I'm still hanging onto Jak like my life depended on it. I guess it did though.

I let go of Jak and shakely got off the zoomer. "I am never riding with you again at that speed. We could've died delivrring a stupid package to a stupid bar owner." I muttered to myself while walking into the bar.

A/N: Sorry for the long update, but I'm here now :) btw 'The Naki' is a short version of my hometown Taranaki in NZ.
I'm actually having a lot of fun writing Daxter. I thought it would be hard but it's quite easy.

Any feedback is helpful and it keeps me motivated

Until next time...

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