Chapter 4.

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I'm back :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Jak and Daxter although I really wish I did. There would be more games if I worked with Naughty Dog. Anyway, on with the story!

One year later.

A few weeks after Jak and Elizabeth were put in jail, Erol and the KG decided to put them in separate cells.

Instead of dark eco, Ellie was injected with the four main types. At first it was just little viles and Ellie thought that it was a joke, but more and more was added. Sometimes two or three at a time.

Sometimes after sessions, especially after large amounts of yellow eco, she would get delusional. Shouting random names and singing childhood songs at the top of her lungs, almost like she was drunk.

The only highlight was that one of the guards must of gotten bored and found it hilarious. After a while he even started singing along quietly, especially to 'Bet on it' by Zac Efron in High School Musical 2. One time she swore she saw him dancing. (To the people who don't know the song, it's bloody catchy.)

She learnt that his name was Keith and that he had a wife and two kids, a seven year old daughter and a ten year old son. But everytime she asked about Jak he wouldn't say anything only that he was alive. Info Ellie knew.

Whenever she was dragged to the torture chair, Ellie made sure she knew all of the exits and escape routes that were close by.

In Ellie's cell were tally marks all over the walls, making sure of how long she'd been there for. Next to her bed etched into the wall were a few names and words. Rebecca. Roger. Family. Friends. Work. Home. Everything that she loved and missed dearly. Even work.

About a month later, Ellie had new guards posted around her cell and the cells close by. Apparently Keith had gone into the field. The new guards were dull, boring and horrible.

The second year was halfway through and Ellie didn't care anymore. She willingly walked to the chair and willingly walked back into her cell. They had almost broken her.


New names and words were carved into the wall. Jak. Nice food. And Hope. A few days later, one session was more brutal than any others. She was whipped all the way up to the chair, had an hour long eco session with all four eco's and was whipped all the way back to her cell.

When she got back to her cell she passed out before her head hit the pillow.

Hey Eco_otaku here :)

Sorry if it's a little slow paced but I'm trying to get as much detail as I can. Every fanfiction I read it's always just 'two years later' and has no detail.

Anyway, any feedback of any kind would be much appreciated :D

Eco_otaku out.

For now.

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