14. Happiness

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My legs were tangled around someone else's legs and my arm was wrapped around someone's bare torso.

The body was hot, and I was getting way too sweaty. My eyes fluttered open, my vision focusing on how close I was to a sleeping Rafael.

His angelic face, so close to mine that my forehead was resting against his jaw. I pulled my head back a bit, admiring his long lashes, pink lips, straight nose- okay basically his whole face. The butterflies in my stomach tickled me. 

How did we end up like this?

I sighed, licking my dry lips.

I liked looking at him like this, just him. No reminders of reality, just his angelic face.

Giving my lips a pout, I left small kisses on his jaw, slow kisses that let me reach to the corner of his mouth.

Hoping he would wake up, the corner of his lips lifted up in a smile, but he didn't open his eyes.

So I continued my small assault, giving him small kisses on the corner of his mouth. A deep chuckle came from his chest, his face turned, capturing my lips with his.

I pulled my lips away, kissing up and down his neck.

"Good morning to you too." He mumbled, biting his lip. Okay Woah, Rafael biting his lip is now on my weaknesses list.

I moaned, rolling onto my back. "Can we just lay here, and pretend there's nothing wrong with it?"

Rafael turned on his side, with a half-smile, his lashes blinked slowly. "Unfortunately we have to face reality."

I stared at him for a moment, sighing. "Fine."

Rafael chuckled, stretching before getting out of the bed. How can this be the same Rafael that pretends he's the big bad wolf? When really he's the little boy that was born into a world of criminals without a choice.

Rafael walked over to his drawers, grabbing a shirt. "Do you ever talk about your parents?" I asked, getting up as well.

He stiffened, as he put his black shirt on. "No, I didn't have parents." He paused, "I had my mom, for a bit." He mumbled, disappearing into the bathroom.

He obviously had deeper issues that came from losing his parents. Rafael came back out, watching me for a moment.

"You had parents, your father would-"

"Christina, stop. That man killed himself, he killed himself because of me." He pointed a harsh finger at his chest.

I rolled my eyes, "How could it have been because of you? Rafael, you couldn't have done anything. You weren't born."

Rafael exhaled frustratedly, "It was, if I wasn't made, then he would have been alive still."

"Stop thinking like that." I crinkled my nose, walking over to him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, his posture stiff. "Stop trying to dig deep." He shook his head, "Don't even bother trying to fix me." His face went blank. "Because when you keep digging you'll find that I don't have a heart, and nothing is broken."

My mouth went into a thin line, no heart? Nothing is broken? He's such a liar.

I shook my head, leaning my lips to his ear. "You're a liar."

I walked off, to his bathroom to refresh myself, I was wearing that stupid turtle neck still. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, realizing I hadn't slept in my own bed for two nights now.

I sighed, fixing my hair into a ponytail, which was a little hard since the hairs at the front, fell around my face. I was aware that Rafael was watching me while walking closer to me.

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