4. Haunted

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Song above or on the side, is what I listened to during this chapter (: enjoy.


I woke up with a jolt, sitting up on my bed. My eyes searching around the darkroom. My face was flushed and the room felt a million degrees.


Was it a dream? I put my hand over my chest feeling my heartbeat a million times an hour.

God, was he really here. I looked over to my side, no one was there. And my alarm clock read 1 AM.

No Rafael.

The only sign that I had of him being here last night was my ripped underwear.

I flushed at the memory and even more at my dream.

Rafael completely naked in between my legs, sweat running down his forehead while he claimed our highs.

I was throbbing for him.

Get a grip, Christina. The man left as soon as you were unconscious.

Maybe something happened and he had to leave. Maybe he didn't want to wake me up because he was a gentleman.

Maybe he went to kill someone.

No, I'm sure there is an explanation. I leaned back on to my pillows, counting Rafaels.

I shook my head. I mean, counting sheep.

Hell, counting sheep never worked.


Realizing it's a Monday morning, usually makes it harder to roll yourself out of bed. But I was the type to wake up before my alarm, my sister hated my type. The health freak type.

Maybe she hated the fact that I had a different routine for each day of the week, she hated that I was so organized, that I was a neat freak.

Okay maybe I had a bit of an OCD problem, I couldn't help it.

I took a good 10-minute shower, trying hard to get the smell of Rafael off of me. It wasn't because he smelt bad, God, don't get me wrong- the man smelt amazing, so manly and exotic, like expensive foreign cologne. I could smell him still, and even worse; I could feel him. His warm, strong hands washing me.


I gasped, I was acting like a hørny, teenaged girl. I quickly got out of the shower, putting on black sweats, a white crop top, and a black hoodie on top.

I ate my wholegrain toast with scrambled eggs, avocado, and cooked tomato. With my green tea; my Monday's breakfast.

Before I could leave my apartment I noticed my broken window that led to the fire escape.


God, that man.

I rang the building's service line to inform them about the incident, but they claimed someone was already taking care of it.

Now I remember Rafael saying it would be fixed.

This isn't normal, you should be pressing charges against him.

Why? He gave me head and now he's getting my window fixed.

I grabbed my packed, duffle bag, and headed out of my apartment to work.

I wonder if Rafael frequently broke into girls' homes. I wonder how many of them got the same treatment as I did.

Amber would go nuts if I told her what happened, I cringed at how shit she would make me feel, about letting someone like him, do something like that, to me.

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