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"The banner is up, the sun is shining, Omega hasn't attacked for days." Dyer cheered. "I can finally talk with Scott." He murmured.

Milton Dyer is standing in the main hall just enjoying his cleaned and fancy school prepared for the special occasion. Zane, Nya and Pixal wander up to their headmaster to ask what it's all about.

"It's Parent Appreciation Day!" Dyer enthused. Zane and Nya exchange excited looks while Pixal looks weirded out enough for Dyer to lose some of his joy.

"Is something wrong?" He asked her. Pixal strains a smile. "No, no." She affirmed. "I mean, perhaps. I don't think my father would give up his valuable work time to come here."

Pixal sighs heavily. "Cyrus Borg is a man of privacy and would never associate with other adults in a school for teenagers."

Pixal scowls - though her disappointing face transitions into a stunned one. Borg enters the classroom with more energy than anyone else.

Many students, even adults, want to take photos with him and get it signed. Jay blows a huge heart balloon in Pixal's face.

"What did you say about your dad not wanting to come?" Nya asked, almost teasing her. Pixal ushers Nya off and awkwardly makes her way up to Borg - surrounded by fans.

"Oh, hello, father." Pixal said, forcing a grin. "I didn't expect you to come."

"Of course I would!" Borg smiled. "Wow, you really didn't have to." Pixal told him while giving him a hug.

"As a father, well, technically, it is my responsibility to make noise in my daughter's life."

Borg suddenly cries out in pain and backs away. "Why is your purse so hot?" He wondered. Pixal gasps. "I forgot that I have-"

She thinks for a while. "... A hot pastry in there, excuse me for a minute."

Zane watches from the other side of the room as Pixal hurries to leave. He proceeds to follow but is stopped by Scott.

"Zane, I really need your assistance."

Zane is taken aback. "Wow... Are you asking me for help?"

Pixal runs into an empty classroom and shuts the door behind her. Jin flies out of her purse. He seems fine. However, soon, he lets out some coughs.

"Jin?" Pixal wondered. "Are you sick?"

"No," Jin muttered. "I have a new hobby now called coughing. Of course I'm sick!"

"Okay, okay, no need to yell. Hm, I didn't know Tatsu Dragons could catch fevers."

"It's not normal. Only Master Wu's delicious healing tea can cure me."

The door is flung up and Jin must hide in Pixal's purse again. It's Borg. He wants to play a game with Pixal.

The minutes turn to hours and most people proceed to leave.

Zane and Scott are hiding from Milton Dyer. "Why is this such a problem again?" Zane inquired.

"He's everywhere, trying to spend time with me."

"Look!" Zane smiled. "Your dad is talking with my dad. That means we're all bound to leave soon."

Scott and Zane make a high-five, but the joy doesn't last very long. Borg storms into the room with another activity idea - holding a bat and a piñata.

"I thought you went home?" Pixal flatly said. "Oh, I were." Borg told them. "Then I came up with this fabulous idea."

"No," Pixal countered. "Not fabulous. I really want to go home. My purse needs cleaning." She said.

Borg forces everyone who's left to participate in the game. "We get three hits each. The person who destroys the piñata gets the candy!"

Dyer notices Scott and walks up to him. "Mr. Dyer??" Scott questioned. "I- I have to leave now. Counsellor meeting with Kai. Hope you understand. Byeee."

Scott runs out without giving Dyer a chance to respond.

Borg gives Pixal the bat and the blindfold - he then proceeds a chanting. "Hit it, hit it, hit it..."

Pixal's eyes move back and forth from Borg and the three other adults to Zane and Nya, and back to Borg again. Suddenly, the heart balloon pops. Therefore, Pixal snaps.


Everyone becomes dead silent as Pixal turns to Borg. "Cyrus Borg," She started. "You are getting on my nerve circuits."

Borg gulps. "Did I," Pause "... Do something wrong?" He asked. "Indeed. You have been driving away parents and classmates all evening with your distracting antics."

"I'm sorry." Borg uttered, being genuine. "I understand you mean well, but there is a fine line between spending time with someone and just pushing them to be around you."

Dyer looks down and the other adults back away. Borg intends to say something when the school begins to tremble.

An Oni is strolling around the city in pure daylight looking for The Titanium Ninja and Samurai X.

The Titanium Ninja is hiding behind a chimney with Samurai X - who is acting rather weird.

"Xo, I need you to focus or I'll get Cole." The Titanium Ninja whispered.

"Have your arrows always been that pointy?" Samurai X expressed. She makes a spin that nearly reveals their hideout. The Titanium Ninja grabs Samuel X's arm and pulls her back.

"Are you out of your mind?" The Titanium Ninja growled. "And don't touch my arrows. I need them to de-onify the victim and defeat Omega."

"Omega?? What a meanie." Samurai X jumps up on the chimney and forms her hands as a cup.

"Omega! We are over here!"

The Titanium Ninja gasps and jumps up, too. "What are you doing? We require-"

A beam hits the chimney, but The Titanium Ninja manages to save himself and his partner in the last second.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now