|Vogue 2: Facing The Fear|

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Not really sure about why I'm naming the chapters with Vogue 1, Vogue 2 ....

What the heck am I doing??


I straightened my coat once again before leaving my room and walked down the stairs to my driveway, where my car was waiting.

Asher was there too, and he had been waiting for literally 15 minutes or so.

He looked up from his phone when I walked up, "Where the heck were you all these 17 minutes??"

"Was doing some touch-up," I mumbled ignoring his look and getting into the car.

He sighed in annoyance and sat in the seat next to me, wearing seat belt which I liked to avoid most of the time, unless there are police on the road.

"Do you want to get thrashed down by the police? Can't you just buckle up your seat belt?" For some reason, his words were coming out a bit harsh. It was unusual for him to speak like that.

"What happened?" I asked calmly.

"What do you mean?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and looking at me.

"You seem annoyed." I replied starting the car.

He tried to ignore my words and turned towards the window, mumbling "Nothing."

"Did you lovebirds get into a fight?" I asked, sarcastically laughing at the word' lovebirds' in my mind.

He didn't reply instantly, but after considering it for a moment, he finally blurted out.

"She said she wanted a Bachelorette party with her friends but all of them are living in different parts of the country. I said 'it's fine' she can do whatever she wanted since it will be the last time she will be single but two months? I mean is she serious? Her friends cannot arrive for HER within two months? When will we get married then??"

His words made me literally burst out in laughter.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" Asher looked at me cautiously, dumbfounded on the reason why I'm laughing like hell at this.

I tried to control myself. "God you are so in hurry to get married! I thought girls act like this but you? I can't stop laughing."

"I thought you would sympathize me." Asher said a bit hurt by my words.

"I would, but I can't imagine that you guys fought over this silly matter."

He huffed and furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't know about the police, but if you weren't driving, I swear I would thrash you down to the streets."

"Then I should keep driving." I said controlling my laughing and focusing back on the road.

The 20-minutes drive went by comfortably, with some casual chit-chat between two friends.

I parked the car in the parking lot underground, and we followed up to the gate of the building.

We both took out our sunglasses and put them on dramatically as we entered the grand hallway of the reception.

Like before, Asher went up to the receptionist to ask about my shoot and the lady came out to guide us into the shooting area.

We walked along, following the lady and stopped in fromt of a plain door. She opened the door for us to enter and shut it from behind, leaving us in a really bright room with cameras and crew busy in their respective jobs.

The director was talking on a phone, trying his best to stay calm and checking the time his wristwatch frequently. I walked up to him when he turned around to us and he cut the call telling he was really busy with a serious shoot.

We gave each other the same king of smile as we shook our hands.

"Perfect on time, now that's what I like." He sighed in satisfaction about everything going perfectly fine.

"This is my friend Asher, and he's staying with me for the photoshoot." I introduced him to the director when he was looking at him, not sure about why I had brought him along.

He smiled and shook hands with Asher as we walked our seats, waiting for further instructions

A crew member came up with my costume and called me to the dressing room, like usual, but just right then, a lady came in the room, just looking really familiar.

Really too much familiar.

Everyone were dmoving around, doing their jobs but looking at her, my world came in a halt.

Her eyes, her hair, her lips - everything just seemed too much familiar. Even the dimple on her right cheek matched perfectly, making her look cute and beautiful.

My heart fell in the pit of my stomach.

It can't be... It cannot be her...

I watched her taking her last breath right in my arms.

All the colors and smiles drained out of my face and was replaced by an utter fear - a fear I didn't know that grew deep inside me.

My knees were going weak, weaker with every second I tried to hold on to something solid beside me, but failed and stumbled on my own feet.

I didn't know who were calling me, or who were asking me about what happened - all I could feel was the fear crawling out to me.

Why was I scared? Was I scared of her existence? Was I scared of my existence for her? Or was it the uncanny fear of being exposed in front of the whole world - about the ugly vice I had committed in my life?

My lungs were heaving up and down in an unusual manner, as her eyes finally met mine.

Will she recognize me?

With that thought evading my mind, I felt myself blur out.




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