|Solving Out|

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Just splitted the last chapter in two.

Johnny's POV

I stared at the picture with wide eyes.

She was Sarah. Adam Smith's daughter, Sarah Smith.

Did it mean...

I quickly grabbed the file laying on the floor. I flipped through the pages until I foumd another family picture of Sarah.

Sarah was standing in the midst of her parents. A red marker had circled each of them, where Adam and his wife were crossed out.

I turned the page and found another news attached.

'Another family dies in a car accident in Driftwood.'

No. Please...

'10:12 am. Another car-truck crash was heard in Driftwood. Adam Smith (30) and his wife Stella Smith (28) were returning home from the Driftwood Central Hospital. At the 16th exit, their car took a turn to the right and suddenly a truck from the other side of the road crashed through them. It was said that the truck driver, Gabriel Hamann (37) died of the accident too.'

Oh God, They left little Sarah alone in such a young age.

The next page emerged how it happened. It was all McCarthy's plan. Gabriel was paid to act dead in the accident. He never died in real life. McCarthy bribed the news reporters to hide the real news.

He just took the revenge of killing her sister. Which Adam never wanted to do. He never ever knew Gemma.

What the f*** did you do?

All this informationn was so hard to take in. I wanted to puke all the sudden and heavy information I just stuffed inside my head.

I lighted a cigarette to ease my overloaded brain.

Dad was so careful about hiding his past. After Gemma's death, he moved on from his old lifestyle. He left everything behind him and started a new life with a small job. He eventually married and acted like a very humble human being who loved his family the most.

Now I understood why he used to stare so long at the signboard of 'Gemma Accessories' whenever Mom went for shopping in there. I finally understood the meaning of letter 'G' he had carved in his leather wallet.

Maybe he felt the pain of losing her.

For the first time in these last days, I felt bad for my Dad. Maybe he actually had a heart then.

How did he live so easily? McCarthy never blackmailed him about his past?

'Even after what happened, i couldn't bear Dale's death. i should also tell him that he shouldn't kill or harm Dale in any way. i hope that he will keep my request.''

I remembered Gemma's words.

McCarthy kept his sister's request. He never disturbed or harmed Dad in any way.

And now that Dad had already passed away seven months ago, he took this chance. He used me instead of Dad.

But he should've killed me then, right? Why did he keep Sarah instead?

I looked at their circled family picture. I froze when I realized what it meant.

Her parents were already crossed out.

She was the only remaining one.

I didn't realize when the cigarette fell of my hand. I couldn't feel the earth beneath me.

I just pushed her to her deathbed.

What the f*** did I do?

I shakily picked up my phone from the table and called him. The line kept ringing.

And it kept ringing until no one picked up the call.

"Come on." I continuously kept calling but ended up getting the same answer everytime.

What happened? Now real panic kept striking me.

I needed to get to his home as soon as possible.

But how? I have no excuse to get in.

It was almost 9 in the morning. Already 6 hours since I left her in there.

I quickly put on my coat over my creasy shirt and rushed to my car.

I had only one hour to make up a plan to save her.


What will happen next??😱

Random question : Does re-reading increase the reads on a book? (I'm not sure)




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