|The Night|

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Chapter 1: The Night

"LEAVE M-mmmm!!!" He grabbed me harshly from behind and clasped the duct tape on my mouth. I tried out all of my self-defense lessons on him but failed, and he threw me down flat on my face and straddled on my back to tie my hands with a material like rope. I kicked out backwards as much as I could with my legs - really wishing if I had worn heels today - and tried to scream through my clasped lips. But I was losing miserably, which let an uncanny fear spread out through my entire physique.

Still, I kept trying and fixed a target and hit him severely near his hip. He flinched, but never loosened his harsh grip on me. Instead, he pressed my nose with some wet fabric.

The smell immediately hit my nose and chilled my insides with chloroform, making me feel dizzy and heavy. My protests against him were deliberately coming to a halt due to the numbness that was spreading through my body, eyelids drooping in defeat.

Realizing that I was losing against him, tears ran down my cheeks. I just wanted to go home, but I guess I just failed to do that for ever.


My neck!

My neck was resting at an odd angle which caused a tingling and agitating pain in my body. I cautiously tried to put it in its right order, but it hurt like hell. I was about to touch my neck, but suddenly I realized that my hands were tied.

I slowly opened my eyes only to acknowledge the nightmare I was stuck in.

I was tied to a rusty chair, amidst a dusty room. A dim yellowish light bulb was hanging right above me. The air inside the room was too cold and suffocating to take in.

Where am I?

That was the first question that hit my brain. But I had no answer. I could be in a basement, or a forest, or a deserted area or even out of my country.

But why am I here?


"Aww, sorry Sarah, she can't go home tonight. She's coming with me." Oliver spoke with a disgusting smile while holding Taylor's wrist and forcefully pulling her along with him. She didn't want to go, but he was the son of our college director. No one - especially poor students like us - could reject his nasty proposals.

I clenched my jaw in anger and attempted to pull her back from that ugly bastard, but she shook her head in the negative, stopping me in my tracks. I pleaded with her to protest through my eyes but she let a sad smile play on her face and mouthed 'it's alright.'

Why was she letting him play by his rules?

I didn't want her to forcefully go with that Oliver. But I also couldn't pull her back unless he's done with her. Even if I tried, I knew I wouldn't be able to just go and get her without any serious consequences. It broke my heart to see that I couldn't save my friend from such a human - no - such a monster like him.

College sucks. I used to dream about college during my high school years as if it was key to my freedom, to life. But it was just some false hope they used to give at the orphanage I grew up in. But still, I managed to get a half scholarship at Jaines College (Mathematics Department). The sisters at the orphanage even helped me a lot with getting a suitable job enough to keep up with college for which I'm speechlessly grateful to them.

It was all good at first, thinking that life was finally getting on its right tracks, but honestly, there's no value for the poor. It doesn't matter how you get a roof over your head, food on your plate and fees in time - it's all about how expensive dresses you wear, how often you go to restaurants and throw parties and how much you brag about your luxuries.

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