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Chapter 2: Knowing

The first thing I sensed after gaining consciousness was the severe pain buzzing through my head. It felt like someone threw a mountain over my head and smashed it aside.

When I tried to touch my wound , I felt my hands stuck with something besides me.

I was strapped.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was on a bed, under soft duvet. My hands, feet, along with my body was tightly strapped to the bed. I could barely move my limbs from their still positions.

I looked around the grayish room filled with a few furniture looking new. The surrounding looked so neat and clean that I almost forgot that my head was trying to kill me with the pain or that I was strapped to the bed with leather leash-type stuff.

As I looked on my left, I practically yelped seeing a large figure standing with his back towards me.

He was smoking a cigarette, leaning against a wooden table and staring at... particularly nothing. Like he was engrossed in his own thoughts.

It was him, I knew it. I gritted my teeth in anger and yelled, "Hey you! Free me now!"

He turned around looking really astounded. Even I was shocked to hear myself yell at the person who had the hold of my life at that moment.

His sluggish brown hair wasn't so neatly combed up on his head. His green eyes - which reminded me of emeralds I had never seen - were narrowed at me. Putting down the cigarette from his plump lips, which twitched upwards in amusement, he asked "What?"

His voice was deep and hoarse, and i just stared back, not knowing what to say.

Taking in another blow of the cigarette, he put it down on the small ashtray sitting on the edge of the wooden table and walked towards me - only to blow the smog right on my face.

I scrunched my face in disgust and coughed vigorously, unable to take in the dirty nicotine filled air. He smirked and walked away, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his lazy black pair of trousers.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I couldn't take in the smog. My eyes were burning. I couldn't move my face to turn away from that harmful element.

"Wbat do you want from me?" I asked while coughing.

He sat down on a chair next to the table facing me. That smirk was long gone from his face. In the dull light of the room, his rigid expression looked mysterious.

So this is the face of a kidnapper?

"You don't need to know." He replied keeping the same indifferent expression.

"I have the right to know! What's my fault in here?" I asked him with anger mixed in my voice.

Hearing me, he laid his head back in relaxation and kept rocking the chair slowly, as if there was nothing wrong. I anxiously waited for his reply, but no words came out of his annoyingly peaceful face. Honestly, I didn't even want to know about what the hell he was thinking about. I just yearned to go home.

I shouldn't have hated college.

"Hmm. You're right." He replied a moment later thinking about something, making me turn towards him eagerly.

He looked up at me and shifted his position on the chair, "Let's start with my identity. I'm John, one of the darkest smugglers of the state." He said smiling proudly. And that looked really spooky.

"And you might get the wrong impression on me, but I'm totally loyal, honest, truthful and respectful... To my profession." a smirk grew on his face. And that was making me crawl away from him.

"My main job is smuggling drugs. I also kidnap women and children, but only when I'm told to do so."

When he's told to do so?

"So who told you to kidnap me?" I asked him gathering some courage.

"Let's not say his name. He is just some psycho who sells women for various purposes. He personally doesn't know you, or maybe he knows. Who cares." He ended shrugging his shoulders and resting back on his chair.

I wanted to scream and tell him to unleash me. I couldn't be trafficked so easily or be sold for 'those' various purposes.

"Why me?" I finally asked my unasked question with my cracked voice.

"Why you?' Good question. It barely took me a long time to note your movements and your daily routine. You are very well disciplined." He said turning towards the table searching for something on it.

He was stalking me? Eerie.

"Ahh. Here it is. So let's see.
Home : 25/B Jaines, apartment 206
College : Jaines College
Friends : 3 (highest seen)
Boyfriend : 0
Parents : Not seen yet. Dead.
Roommates : 1 (Taylor)
Financial status : Not so good
Goes college : 12:30 pm
Returns home : 5:30 pm
Library visits : Every Thursdays and Fridays. Randomly too. marked *important*
Age : 20. 21."

I looked at him, feeling disgusted.

"Fuck you." I mumbled, but it was audible enough for him to hear the words.

"What did you say?" He looked at me with his threateningly angry orbs.

I quickly looked downwards and went back to the topic, "B-but that doesn't mention the reason of kidnapping me." I couldn't dare to look up to his blazing eyes.

He abruptly stood up being agitated and walked up to me. "Oh come on! You still don't get it? I kidnapped you because you are invisible to others. Nobody cares about you! You have low reputation. Even your friends don't give a damn about you! Kidnapping you would create less problems for me!"

His words pierced my heart deeply. Every sentence he said was true. Those were the harsh truths of my life, the truths I always wanted to ignore in order to put on a smile. Tears were rolling down my cheeks after hearing him. I wanted to wipe them away, but I couldn't. My hands were strapped.

"Yeah of course. Nobody cares. The college will look for me for some days. And then, gone! They'll think I ran away as a slut to somewhere as I couldn't pay my fees in time. After then, end. Nobody will check for me anywhere." I rambled all to myself.

He was going away, but hearing me, he stopped and looked over his shoulders for once. And then, walked away.

Just like everyone else.


So yes, I'm using fictitious places none of us never heard about😂.

But this is good right?

VOTE & COMMENT jalebis (sweeties)!

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