|Vogue 3 : Collaborator|

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This is the last Vogue stuff, I promise.


Sprinkles of water made me open my eyes.

But the bright light around made it harder to keep them open.

"You alright John?" I heard Asher's voice beside me, and the smell of multiple colognes around me made me realize that I'm still in the studio.

I nodded and carefully got up from the hard floor with Asher and some other people's help.

"Is everything alright? I mean are you feeling sick?" I heard the director ask me, to which I nodded negatively. Because even if I felt sick, I wasnt going to tell him the 'cause' of it.

"I'm fine. I just felt dizzy because of the surroundings after a long time," I didn't know if that made any sense at all, but that was the best I could come up with at this moment.

"Oh," It was a confused reply from the director, but thankfully he didnt ask anything further.

"So are you feeling fine for the shoot?" Asher asked while a boy brought a glass of water for me.

I gulped it down heartily and replied, "Yeah. I'm good."

But I should've known better.

The crew as well as the director finally went back to their jobs after hearing my response, giving me some space to invigorate myself back to my original state.

After some time, Asher handed me my outfit and I walked in to the dressing room to get ready.

I was fixing my belt, when I suddenly heard a woman yell out "Rihanna!" right next to me.

I practically flinched back, startled about who it might be on the other side of the wooden partition.

I came out and found the hairdresser waiting, so I took my place in front of the mirror and he started doing his work without any sound.

I slowly realized that what I had seen out there was just a hallucination, not real. The thought alone put me in relief.

After about 15 minutes, he finished his work and went out to call the makeup artist, who still wasn't here.

"But that wasn't in the deal." I was examining his fine work on my hair, when I heard Asher speak louder than usual.

I went out to check what happened and found him and the director talking about something serious, which of course included me too.

"What happened?" I asked, confused about what's going on as I approached them.

Asher exchanged a look with the director before replying, "He didn't even inform that you have to collaborate."

Collaboration? "What collaboration, and with whom?" I asked startled by the fact that I have to work together with an unknown person.

"I couldn't tell you earlier since it was a last-minute decision... and she's a trending actress, Evana Hale." I had nothing to say about a person I didn't know; nor did I care because all I wanted in this moment was to just get over with this and go back office.

"She's getting ready, well you have seen her already, haven't you?" The director spoke when I gave no response.

"Me? But I don't know any Evana or Hale." I replied being confused. What was he talking about?

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