|No Guarantee|

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Chapter 9: No Guarantee

Evana's POV

"EvaNAAA what happened to your face?" It sounded shocked more than a concerned question from my best friend Audrey, making me shut my eyes hard in her audibly screeching voice.

"Calm down Audi, you'll get me a headache again." I requested her to lessen her tone while closing the door. She still had her hand on her hung-open mouth, her eyes fixated on my recently earned wound.

"Is that a real or makeup?" The words made me shoot my eyes at her, who suppressed her laugh and took a step back for safety. Was she actually laughing at my unfortunate luck?

Though I didn't completely blame her, because once I really had to sit around for two days with a big fake cut on my hand.

"Sorry sorry, I thought it was for an act. But how did this all happen? I didn't see your car down there, so I thought you might not be at home." This time she was being serious. I hopped back in my couch where I was having some Netflix time and gestured her to do the same.

"I met with an accident yesterday." She gasped as I started, "I was on my way to the shooting, I was only 5 minutes away from the shooting but that- Johnny Orlando, you know the weirdo I collaborated with on Vogue? He hit MY Porsche baby from behind and bam! My head hit the steering wheel! It still hurts thinking about that." I squeezed my eyes shut remembering that moment.

"Oh, such an unlucky charm." Audi responded with slight disappointment in her tone, making me raise an eyebrow in question.

"What's so disappointing in this?"

"No, nothing, but honestly he is really hot... a charm. But bad luck, it's an unlucky one." I scoffed at her stupid opinion about him and muttered 'charm' with a humourless chuckle.

"That 'charm' has killed my whole week of work as well as destroyed my Porsche baby." I said in such a distasteful manner that it almost startled Audi about my thoughts on him.

"Woah woah, calm down, it was just an accident. He obviously didn't mean that." She was right, but I had the right to get angry on him. We were at the end of this project for which I was really excited, but he instantly killed it by causing that accident. Still, I decided to be merciful towards him, atleast he was trying to clean up his own mess.

"Then?" Audi's voice reminded me that I hadn't completed the story yet.

"Then what? He took me to the hospital and paid for everything. Though you should check Instagram and Twitter, people might be talking about it."

And she actually pulled out her phone to check the social medias.

"You are really checking them?" I asked blinking my eyes at her whose were running everywhere on the screen.

"Of course," she replied still searching the media, "How could I not want to see my best friend's first car accident?" She suppressed her laugh and glanced at me before taking a step back. I almost wanted to strangle her for wanting to laugh at my misery but I contained myself. Because if I were in her shoes, I probably would've done the same.

And she was right. It indeed was my first ever car accident, which, for some reason, deserved to be in my most remarkable memories.

"Woah damn, these paparazzis are crazy! They shot the whole drama!" She gasped in amusement as she watched it without me. I didn't want to reminisce that thing again, but curiosity got the best of me.

"Show me." I demanded peeking over her shoulder. The video played; his Cadillac Escalade hit my Porsche baby so hard that my heart almost crashed witnessing it. Then he hurriedly got down his car and rushed up to mine to help me get out of the car and walk. A moment later, I realized that I had leaned against his chest to hide myself from the press. I thought I would be invisible - which I was - but it was too late by then. Everybody recognized me and my Porsche baby enough to identify that it was me; Evana Hale.
I sighed, knowing that the heat was going to stay for a while, but relaxed knowing that I was going to be home for the next few days - out of the paparazzi mess.

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