|A Secret Reveal|

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"Mama! What are these?" My little fingers motioned to those small little creatures walking around.

"These are called ants, sweetie." She ruffled my hair softly making me smile.

"Can I touch them?" I asked her with curiosity.

"No. Don't touch. If you disturb them, they'll bite you." She warned me.

"But they are so small. How can they bite me?" I asked pouting.

"They can. Just don't touch them, okay?" She again warned me. I nodded to her like an obedient girl. After she went away, I got closer to the ants.

"So how are you, red ants?" I asked them with a bright smile because I wanted to be friends with them just like my cat Kitty.

But they couldn't hear me with their little ears.

I wanted to touch them. When I tried to touch one, the whole assembly of ants started running here and there, making me laugh. I started to block them and make them run in a different direction.

One ant was coming towards my little finger.

I willingly put my finger in front of it, thinking that it would run away.

But no. It bit me.

I quickly moved my hand away from it and looked at them, and I could feel the whole army of ants running towards me...

"AH!" I woke up from the bittersweet memory of my childhood.

I was tied to that bed I was before, in that bastard's room.

I looked around the room and found out that he was talking over the phone.

"Yes it's her."he gritted his teeth.

"Send me the notes." He asked with a little piece of hope.

"Ugh okay." He said clenching his teeth and whispering, I'm gonna kill you.

"No, I didn't say anything." He said quickly widening his eyes. "Cut the line now."

I was looking at him, scared and confused about the fact that he whispered 'I'm gonna kill you'.

"Why did you scream like that?" He turned around and asked me with anger.

I tried to crawl away from his angry eyes. His eyes were now looking very intimidating. "I'm so- sorry. I won't scream again." l apologized.

He was slowly approaching me. I wanted to scream, but the fear was paralyzing me. I couldn't even move a little.

Without any notice, his hand came towards me, and slapped my cheek sharply. My rough hair flew to my face as I whimpered from the harsh pain in my face.

"Dont ever scream while I'm on phone." He warned me with his finger pointed to me. His nostrils were flaring in anger that he didn't need to warn me. His look and the pain I was feeling in my mouth was already enough.

I nodded looking away from him. I couldn't stop whimpering. The pain was humiliating and it hurted so much.

He walked away from the room quickly and locked the door with a thud. The slap, it was burning my cheeks too much.

Suddenly, I heard a glass shatter on the floor.

"I HATE YOU!" A loud scream rang in my ears.

Why is he screaming like this?

Whom does he hate?



I angrily threw the glass on the floor and kept huffing in anger.

"I HATE YOU!" I wanted to tear off my hair. Why did all this need to happen?

I knelt down on the floor and leaned my head against the wall. My fists tightened with all the anger inside me.

I closed my eyes and shook myself violently wanting to free myself from the invisible chains I was trapped in. This is the first time I'm feeling so guilty and so sorry.

I never wanted to do this.

"I'm so sorry." Tears were wanting to form in my eyes as I whispered those words.

Slowly, I managed to control myself and stood up like nothing ever happened.

I am a smuggler. And I have a big business to operate.


Aaaand yeaaaah the kidnapper's on the spotlight! More His POVs will be coming! And tbh I was shaking when I made him fall on the ground.😭 (iykyk😉)

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