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Johnny's POV

I called him again.

"Oh, Mr. Orlando, what's up?" His voice made me cringe.

"She tried to run away... but couldn't. And nothing much." I said just remembering that different moment.

"As usual, everybody does that. And you should do what every kidnapper does in this situation." He glinted evilness in his voice.

I wasn't so knowledgeable about it. "What should I do?"

"No meal for her today." After a pause, "And punish her for trying to get away."


"I can stop her food for today but, punishing?" I answered.

"You can't disobey me, or you know the consequences." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay."

"Good. Let me tell you how to do that. Do you have any metal belts? Or only leather?" He asked with curiosity making my heart thud against my lungs.

"Only leather." I hesitated. I couldn't get ready to believe what he was going to say.

"Beat her harshly with the belt; thrice on her back, twice on both of her palms... add another one on her back. Oh and beat her in different angles. I wish I were there! It must be fun watching YOU doing it." I flinched with every word he said. How could he speak like that?

"I would tell you to do more, but it's fine. I'll do the rest of them when I come home. And I will look for the signs on her body. You know what will happen if I don't find them." He warned me at the end.

I wish I could change what will happen.

"Fine." I quickly ended the call.

How could he say all this so easily? It made me shriek in disgust with every word he let out his mouth. He was an actual psycho. I wish I could kill him.

Stopping her meal for a day would be okay. But beating her? It was the most dangerous thing I could ever do. I'd rather die than beat up an innocent girl like her.

I needed to think of any other alternative instead of beating her. I needed to get 6 scars on her body.

I quickly got ready and rushed to my office without thinking about the scars.


Everything was alright till the next 3 hours of duty. I was working on some files, hoping to get my mind off what I had to do at home today. But Asher suddenly popped up in my room with something I clearly didn't expect for.

"John, we found something." Asher informally took my name inside the office.

"Asher, I told you not to take my name inside the office." I reminded him. But he ignored what I said and quickly walked up to me.

"You need to see this." He forwarded a piece of paper towards me. I looked at him at once and slowly took the paper in my hand.

It looked like a letter. I opened it to see what was written there.

I hope that you are going to do what I asked you to do. Or you know what will happen. I'll expose everything about your father.
- MC

It was a warning from him. A warning from McCarthy.

I couldn't believe it. He was forcing me to punish her. And I couldn't turn back from it.

"Where did you find this?" I asked calming down my shaking voice.

"It was on Karen's table, 3rd floor. She said that she doesn't know anything about this. So she called me to take away this." Asher replied.

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