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Let's keep a chapter count from now on.


Chapter 7: Accidentally

"What about the lightings? Where's that team?" I asked the occasion manager when I found no mentions about the lightings team on the list.

"Traffic, they'll be here in 10 minutes," The young newbie manager replied with sweats forming on her forehead. I silently cursed Asher for bringing in a newbie - why would a kid organize my grand anniversary function?

"Newbies need a chance to prove themselves. And if you want something new and unique for the function, then she's great at it. Let her take the job." Asher's words ran through my mind, making me partially regret agreeing to him. What if something goes wrong? How will I cover up the loss?

The grand occasion was only three days away. All arrangements were being done; the decor team, catering, drinks, music, entertainers - everyone were busy in their jobs. It was a matter of hundreds of people, and somehow they all seemed to fit in my tiny mansion. Invitations cards were sent to everyone I wanted - except one person.

I couldn't send one invitation card to the person who deserved it. She was the reason why I'm standing here, preparing for the 10th anniversary of Orlando Wristwatches.

Seeing everyone busy discussing about their work, I gathered up the courage to finally meet her with the card.

I didn't know how to face her, but all I knew was I had to. I couldn't stay away from her like this. She didn't deserve it.

I went into the kitchen and found Asher discussing about the food menu with the catering team. I called him aside and informed him that I was going out, so he had to take care of the whole house settings.

"How long?" He asked checking the time, 9:39.

"Just an hour. I remembered some important work." I quickly ended and walked off to my room without waiting for his approval.

I changed into some decent clothes and grabbed the invitation card, inhaling a deep breath filled with courage. I can do it.

I walked down the stairs and stepped into my garage where my car was parked. I got in and started the car, still feeling nervous about visiting her.

"Stop it, John. Enough. You gotta do this." I mumbled to myself and kicked away the nervousness. Without any second thought on it, I started driving towards my 30-minute-away destination.

Through the way, my mind kept thinking about how to actually face her. It had been months since I did that, and with that ugly scar of that incident, I didn't know if I would be able to control myself from blurting out the truth in front of her. But I needed to invite her, because she was the one who supported Dad and me through our journey of our lives and Orlando Wristwatches.


She lives with her cousin sister in our old house, situated on the outskirts of Turono. I called her to live at my home a lot of times, but she denied. She wanted to live there with Aunt Linda. Since Dad's death, she had been getting pension, by which she was living fairly with all his memories.

And I didn't want anyone to add those bitter sides of him in their lovely memories.

That was why I did everything I could to keep those secrets as they were - in the dark - but ended up in a twisted manner.

I thought I would meet Mom and give her a big hug on the day I had made sure the box was secured, but because of that terrible night, I feared that she would be able to see through me and find out everything. That was why I stayed away from her as long as possible. Because if she got to know about it, I didn't think she would call me her son ever again.

And I didn't want that to happen.

Guess that was my selfishness, for which someone else had to pay.

And with that thought, my car came to a sudden screeching halt, making my head almost hit the steering wheel.

The air bag blew up and shrouded my eyes from seeing what had actually happened. In a moment, my thoughts were all gone, and I slowly realized that I had hit a car.

I just got into an accident. Shit.

I quickly deflated the bag and rushed out of my car to check if anyone was hurt. It was a Porsche Cayenne, from which the number plate was currently hanging, with backlights broken. The backside of the car was contorted in an unpleasant shape, which made me worry about the driver of it. I walked up to the front hurriedly and found the air bag blown up in the lady's face.

Big time.

She was trying to deflate the bag, and I helped her with it. As soon as her bruised forehead was revealed, I saw Sarah.

God why am I seeing her face everywhere?


Where are my lovely readers gone?:(

I was thinking about changing the title of this book... What do you think?


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