|The Kiss|

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Johnny's POV

My brain was already bummed with what I did last night.

And the sudden cancelation of my deal with the Schaeffers added more spice to it today.

I had never lost a deal before.

So when it actually happened, it made me feel too low. It simply hurted my self-esteem.

I couldn't concentrate on anything else. My conscience was pricking me for the last night. But I couldn't do anything to change it.

I left the office 3 hours early.

Sitting in my car, I didn't feel so good about returning home. So I decided to roam around aimlessly. Maybe it could help me to ease.

I drove around the city for some time and reached back home after 40 minutes.

Every step I took inside the home, I felt weak. I could still feel my hands shaking in hatred on myself. I never wanted to do that. I never wanted to hurt anyone like that.

I rushed towards my room stopping myself from looking at that door.

I threw my dress and shoes everywhere in the room and locked myself in the washroom.

Why did it need to happen with me? I wanted to go to her and say sorry for everything. But life wasn't that fair. I couldn't do that. I wasn't allowed to.

Tears were brimming in my eyes. I wanted to destroy everything around me. I wanted to tear off my hair. I wanted to kill my hands for doing this to such and innocent soul like her. She had nothing to do with this. Then why did she have to face all this pain?

I clenched my fists trying to stop the tears from falling down. But I couldn't. It was so hard to do it.

I wished for someone who would come and hold me, hold me and say 'everything will be alright.'

But who would? There was no one in my life to hold me in my breakdowns.

I steadily stood up and washed my face. Eyebags had started to form under my eyes. I couldn't sleep last night listening to her whimpers which never ended before midnight.

I was going to break down again. But I stopped myself. I had to act mature. Crying like a child wouldn't solve the problems of my life.

I freshened up and arranged some food for her. She hadn't eaten yesterday.

I walked up to her room. My legs were shaking. I didn't know how to face her again. But I ignored everything and opened the door.

Sarah's POV

I heard the door open slowly.

I couldn't see him since I was facing the wall behind me.

I could smell the delicious aroma of chicken. My hungry stomach growled but looking at my hands, I realized that they were in no state of feeding me.

I thought he'd go away leaving the plate on the floor, but his footsteps approaching me proved it wrong.

He came and sat on the bed. I moved away from him a little.

"Have your meal." He silently forwarded the plate towards me.

I stayed silent and kept staring at the wall.

"I told you to have some food." He was a bit louder than before. I shook my head in negative, "I can't."

He was confused, "Why?"

Did he forget what he did to my hands last night?

"My hands hurt." I decide to be polite even though my lips wanted to scream and show him my worn-down hands.

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