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2 months later...

"Excuse me, you're Taylor, right?" I asked the short brunette girl I've seen 2 months ago.

She seemed to be confused, "Uhm...yeah but sorry I didn't recognize you."

I pulled the hood a bit more over my head and said, "You were a friend of Sarah Smith?"

She raised and eyebrow, "Uhh, yeah?"

"I'm Dave, I was -" My lie was cut off by her.

"Oh yeah, Dave Robinson. Well you came to get her belongings?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"Yeah." I replied in positive.

"Okay. Sarah and I were roommates. I couldn't afford the whole apartment alone after... you know what. So I decided to shift with someone else." She explained while walking.

"So what about her belongings?" I asked fearing that she had already lost them or did something else to them.

"That was the problem. There were some important stuffs about her that I couldn't throw away, and also some unimportant stuffs which I could throw away. I tried calling you to come and get those but the line didn't ring at all." We stopped at the foot of the grayish building.

"Oh... well.... I actually... I don't use the number anymore." I lied hoping that she won't doubt me.

"Oh, I didn't know. Well, here we are." She said unlocking the door of her apartment.

The apartment wasn't such a large one. There were two bedrooms, a dining space, a kitchen and a washroom.

Taylor kept her bag in a bedroom, which I assumed to be her own room. I kept looking at the other one, knowing that it was hers.

"That's her room." Taylor pointed me to go in there.

I slowly opened the door.

The lights were off. But with the last drip of sunlight pouring into toom, everything seemed to be visible.

I turned on the light and looked around the white bedroom.

I slowly walked into the room where books were messily arranged on a reading table and the dressing table where a little bracelet was visible in the midst of some cosmetics.

I walked up to the dressing table and took the bracelet in my hand.

(a little gift from me to Sarah😊)

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(a little gift from me to Sarah😊)


The name made me quiver in pain.

I clutched on the bracelet struggling to stop the tear which was fighting its way out of my eye.

"Her father gifted her this when she was 5 years old." Taylor said with a bit of sadness in her voice.

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