Inside Out and Outside In

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John lay in Sherlock’s arms, in a state of post-coital bliss, the sun had just come up and Sherlock reached over and turned off the lamp on the night side table as he gently ran his long fingers over John’s chest, lightly touching his skin only pausing to rub his thumbs on multiple parts of John’s neck, his sternum and then Sherlock moved his hands slightly to the right and slightly to the left, making circular motions until John put his hands around Sherlock’s waist and squeezed. Sherlock smiled as he straddled his body over John’s, shifting his weight to his knees so as not to make John uncomfortable. “Good Morning, John Watson,” Sherlock said letting John absorb the low dulcet tones of his voice as well as the tactile sensations from his roaming fingers.

“Good Morning, Sherlock, have I told you how much I love you?” John asked softly as he rubbed the back of Sherlock’s neck until the hairs on his arm stood on end.

Sherlock chuckled as he massaged John’s shoulders, “Yes, twelve and a half times to be exact.”

John’s eyes began to tear up as he pulled Sherlock’s head down so he could kiss him. “Sherlock, I owe you so much. I was so alone before I met you and…” John’s voice trailed off in a gasp as a spasm of pain rippled through the muscles of his lower back.

Sherlock instantly pulled away, “John, are you okay? Do you need a pain pill? Were our activities too much for you last night, this morning….”

John interrupted Sherlock with a wave of his hand, “Yes, I need a pain pill and no it wasn’t from last night, it’s just a normal day for me, not to worry the pain isn’t that bad. I just need to take the edge off.” John said reassuringly.

Sherlock peered at John as if he were an insect under a microscope, “You say that the pain…isn’t that bad…. No, by my calculations you are in pain 86.5 percent of the time.” Sherlock smiled, pleased with himself for figuring out the answer so quickly and then the ramification of his deduction hit him full force and Sherlock felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

John pulled at Sherlock’s arm as he tried to pull away, “Sherlock, don’t retreat within yourself, there are some biscuits in the nightstand drawer as well as my pills. Get me a glass of water and then come straight back here. Sherlock, are you listening?” John asked firmly.

Sherlock nodded wordlessly, bounded off the bed and a few moments later he came back with a glass, which he handed over to John, watching every move John made until John sighed, “Sherlock, I’m fine, let’s get a bath and we will feel better. I promise,” John said as he gripped Sherlock’s ice cold hand.

Sherlock slid out of John’s grasp and went to run a bath for the two of them. When he came back John noted the red splotches on Sherlock’s face, the red-rimmed eyes that stared back at him making John gasp at the power they had over one another, for Sherlock the machine had been crying. John swallowed and then grinned, “Did you put bubbles in the bath?” He asked suggestively.

Sherlock sniffed and then picked up John as if he were weightless, “John, I put bubbles in the water and also a rubber ducky.”

Sherlock put John in the bath first and then slid in behind him. “God, this is heaven,” John thought as Sherlock washed his back and then squeezed out the warm water on his neck. “That feels so good, thank you.” John said as he reached up for Sherlock’s hand. They sat in the bath for at least an hour relaxing in silence until John stirred, “Sherlock, I’m shriveling up to nothing.”

Sherlock moved his hand through the waning bubbles, looked down just below John’s pelvis and said, “Well, apparently not everything.”

John laughed, “Come on, get me out of here.” When Sherlock rose up from the bath, John swallowed for he truly looked beautiful, the water running down his white thighs, catching in places here and there until John’s hands shook with desire for his Greek water god.

As Sherlock wrapped John in a towel, with the intention of drying him off, John shook his head and whispered, “No, Sherlock don’t dry me off, take me to bed, and make love to me for I want to feel your wet skin against mine.”

Sherlock looked down at John as he lay in the wet sheets, his hair clung tightly to his ears, rivulets of water ran down his neck and soaked the pillow, and Sherlock felt light headed as his moist skin touched John’s. He paused for a moment in an effort to keep his hands from shaking and John smiled, that sweet smile that had made Sherlock’s heart stop on the ship where they first met. “John, I’m scared,” Sherlock said breathlessly as John entwined his legs around Sherlock’s waist.

“Sherlock, everything is going to be fine,” John said as he gently coaxed Sherlock’s tense body into a state of arousal with his hands, his legs and his mouth, until they were both inside out and outside in, until they were one. 

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