The Doctor's Wife-Elsa

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John spotted the Doctor's wife across the room, "God, she is stunning," John thought as he observed her cool, blonde, Aryan looks. As John wheeled towards her, she fixed her cool gaze on John and John took a deep breath of surprise for there was something warm and vulnerable about her that he didn't expect to encounter and when she smiled it softened her angular facial features.

"Hello, it's Doctor John Watson, isn't it?" She asked her voice just a tone above Sherlock's own sweet low dulcet tones.

John's face colored slightly, "Yes, and whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

"Elsa," she said and held out a cool hand for John to shake.

John shook her hand quickly, noting how Elsa held his for a moment longer than necessary.

"So, aren't you married to the famous Doctor Strauss?" John asked to keep things from getting too personal.

Elsa smiled and leaned forward and said, "Aren't you married to the famous Sherlock Holmes?"

John laughed and said, "Touché."

Elsa smiled again and said, "You are so much more pleasant than I expected you to be, Doctor Watson."

John shrugged self-consciously, "Please call me John."

Elsa laughed again and then her expression darkened as she said, "My but you are so charming. My husband would never allow anyone to drop the Doctor in his title."

John frowned as he thought of Sherlock, for he didn't want Sherlock to be jealous of his new acquaintance. Elsa took John's darkening countenance as a reflection of her own relationship with her husband and without knowing it John's concern had formed a bond between the two of them.

"I guess the two of us are married to great men, are we not?" Elsa said softly.

John nodded as her nuance found its mark, "Yes, yes we are," John echoed.

"Come on, John let me buy you a drink," Elsa said brightly in an attempt to banish the darkness that threatened to overwhelm them both. "Oh you do drink, don't you?"

John smiled, "Oh, God, yes."

So, a few drinks later, John and Elsa felt relaxed in one another's company enough for Elsa to ask him about his accident. After John told her the details they both sat quietly drinking their pain away until Elsa finally spoke. "Ach, listen to us, how gloomy we both are. We are on the most luxurious cruise ship in the world, come let us enjoy ourselves."

"Here, here," John said as he downed another scotch. The song, "Isn't it Romantic," drifted across the room and Elsa hummed along with it as she smiled at John. "Come on, let's dance," Elsa laughed.

John looked down at the chair and pointed, "Umm, problem."

Elsa laughed again and plopped herself in John's lap, "There problem solved," she giggled.

John twirled the chair around with Elsa in his lap, heedless of the stares they were attracting. After a few twirls John stopped and looked into Elsa's blue eyes, "Elsa," he said as she leaned in towards him, "I'm totally devoted to Sherlock."

Elsa looked into John's blue eyes and smiled sadly, "Of course you are, but does your devotion keep the fear of his leaving you someday from ripping at your sanity? Does your devotion outweigh the fact that he will someday tire of you and become B O R E D? Because that's what happened to me, John, one day my dear sweet husband looked at me and saw someone ordinary and just like that he was bored with me. No amount of devotion on my part could re-kindle his interest; for once a brilliant mind like that becomes bored it moves on and never looks back. No, conscience, just cold logic and deduction, for it's the next puzzle they crave not lap dog devotion."

John frowned as Sherlock's Grandmother's words came back to him, 'Sherlock is always attracted to the case he hasn't solved, the art he hasn't tried, the person he hasn't met.'

Elsa disengaged herself from John's lap and sighed. "I'm sorry, John, I seem to be bringing down the party."

John shook his head, "No, not at all I think we just need some fresh air that's all."

Elsa smiled, brushed a tear from her eye and wheeled John to the deck of the ship, where they let the cold sea air refresh them. After a few moments of silence Elsa spoke, "I'm sure that Sherlock won't become bored with you, John."

John had long since stopped playing a role, as he said, "I'm not."

Elsa leaned against the railing, the black waves of ocean crested and fell, as the jade necklace escaped the folds of her blouse. John's eyes fixated on it for he had almost forgotten the reason why he was getting close to Elsa.


An Affair to Remember-Sherlock FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang