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Laura fixed her bright eyes on John, as she licked her lips in anticipation. "John, how much would you give to be able to walk again?"

John fingered the place on his wrist that Sherlock had touched and without hesitation replied. "I would give anything to walk again."

Laura smiled making her lips curl up in a joker-like grimace, "Good, there is a Doctor from Vienna that can make that happen for you."

John angrily clutched the arm rests of his chair, "He doesn't even know the extent of my injuries, so how can you even make such a guarantee?"

Laura laughed as she stuck out her foot and began to play with the foot rests of John's chair, "John, I forwarded your medical records to him."

John opened his mouth and was about to ask how and then sighed, partly in exasperation and partly in excitement at the thought of surprising Sherlock. "Fine, what do I have to do?"

Laura looked at John slyly, "The Doctor has a wife that has expensive taste, much like your Sherlock, and she is on this very cruise. She always wears a jade necklace and it is quite valuable. The Doctor has told me that the insurance payout on the theft of the missing necklace would be enough to settle his debts and cover your surgery. So, how about it John Watson do you want to run to Sherlock or wheel to him? Do you want to dance with Sherlock or watch from the sidelines? And when Sherlock makes love to you do you want to carry him to bed like a man or do you want to be carried like a helpless child to bed?"

John's hands were starting to shake, partly in anger and partly in excitement at the prospect of walking again. "What do I have to do?" John asked as he clenched his hands in his lap.

Laura leaned back in satisfaction and lit a cigarette, "You will have to get close to her and then once that is achieved you will need to drug her or something and then take the necklace."

John frowned, "How am I supposed to get close to her?"

Laura smirked. "John, you are an adorable package. I'm sure you'll think of something."

John blushed and looked away and then back again, "What happens after I take the necklace and what if I get caught?"

Laura laughed. "Oh, John you are so cute. Even if you get caught, you will not be charged, for practically everyone on this planet owes me something."

John shivered and didn't doubt that Laura was correct. "I wonder if she's the anti-Christ?" John thought as he looked into the seductive depths of her eyes. After a few moments John looked away and Laura laughed again.

"John, tomorrow I will give you the details of your game and you will also be initiated." Laura said softly.

John swallowed, "What initiation?"

Laura rolled her eyes, "John, don't worry it is just a formality there will be no bloodletting or sacrificing a goat."

Later on that evening John lay in Sherlock's arms both of them frustrated from Sherlock's inability to perform. "That has never ever happened to me," Sherlock said angrily as he took a long drag from his cigarette and blew smoke over the "Please do not smoke in the room," sign.

John sighed, "Sherlock, it's perfectly natural, it happens to every man sometime or other."

Sherlock looked like a small child as he pouted and then hesitantly asked John, "Has it happened to you?"

John laughed and pulled Sherlock closer, "Yes, Sherlock it has. Now let me tell you about my meeting with Laura."

After John had finished filling John in on the details Sherlock frowned, "So, what do you get out of the deal?"

John shifted his hip and grunted as if he were in pain and then turned his face away from Sherlock so as not to reveal the lie he was going to tell him. "I told Laura that you were a spend-thrift and that I needed the money."

Sherlock nodded silently for he knew John was lying. "Fine, sounds interesting," Sherlock replied flatly.

John rolled over and began massage Sherlock's neck as the music of Fats Waller, "Ain't Misbehaving", filled the room. John began to hum along with the music, which Sherlock found utterly enchanting and before long Sherlock began to relax.

"Your kisses are worth waiting for, burrrh," John sang and then began to play an imaginary set of drums.

By the time he was done Sherlock was laughing uncontrollably and then just like that Sherlock began to respond to John's gentle touch. At first Sherlock fought against John's attempts to arouse him for he was humiliated by his lack of performance earlier in the evening and then a familiar stirring in his groin made Sherlock's heart beat faster, made his brow sweat, made the thoughts in his normally structured mind turn chaotic, made his body strain with need, as he felt the uncomfortable tension, soon to be replaced with mind-numbing desire, followed by a release so intense that Sherlock felt as if he were going to lose consciousness and then everything that was dry became moist and everything that hurt became whole as Sherlock shuttered in John's arms.

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