Doing Something

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John lay in bed his head propped up on one elbow as he watched Sherlock prepare to leave the ship as a painter, detective and lover, only to remerge as a steward, a uniform that would make Sherlock’s presence anonymous, for very few individuals noticed a person in uniform. Sherlock stood in front of a mirror naked, and John admired every inch, trying to ignore the thrill of electricity that jolted through his groin at the sight of Sherlock, putting on socks, underwear, shirt, pants, and finally shoes. Grinning when he saw John openly staring, Sherlock smiled and winked at John’s reflection in the mirror.

Sherlock had meant to leave shortly after he was dressed but as he smiled at John, Sherlock’s grin faded, replaced by a need so great that he felt as if his knees were made of a watery unstable substance. Whipping around to face John instead of looking at him in the mirror, Sherlock began to tear off his clothes, heedless of the fact that the shirt was an Armani; Sherlock ripped it off and tossed it into the corner. When he had disrobed Sherlock dove under the covers grateful that John was already naked. For a moment, Sherlock was so desperate for the consummation process to begin that he was heedless of John’s comfort.  Roughly, he wrapped his legs around John’s waist and then like an acrobat act at the circus he gripped John’s body with his knees, until their positions were reversed. Once John’s body was hovering over the top of him, Sherlock let gravity take over, which allowed John to glide down slowly against Sherlock’s jack knifed knees until like a baseball player he slid into base. Once Sherlock knew that his penetration of John was imminent he slowed his motions, allowing he and John to balance with each other like participants on a teeter totter, one up, one down until..until… Sherlock’s thought went unfinished for by this time every idea in his mind palace jumbled around like marbles rolling down a slanted surface; until one by one they were gone replaced by incoherent gasps, groans and growls.

When John finally feel asleep, Sherlock snuck out from underneath his arms and went in the bathroom and wept as he took a shower, for intimacy with John always eroded his self-control, and he couldn’t figure why John would ever want to be with a person such as himself, it just didn’t mathematically make sense.

After he got dressed, Sherlock walked over to the bed and gently kissed John on the lips, like a happy child, John smiled in his sleep and then rolled over totally contented. “My totally innocent Doctor,” Sherlock thought as he quietly left their cabin.

When John woke up Sherlock was gone, no note nothing, just the faint smell of him on the sheets and John was reluctant to take a shower for he could still smell Sherlock’s scent on his skin. After a long, lonely shower and a room service dinner, John wheeled himself out on the deck, thinking that the company of other people would cheer him. He was wrong, for their happy bantering, only made John feel lonelier. John sighed and wheeled himself over to a dimly lit part of the deck. The salt in the cold sea air bit at his skin, making John wish that he had put on a pair of gloves before venturing out. He brushed a sea frizzed strand of hair out of his eyes and was just about to head back to the cabin when he heard low voices arguing. Though he couldn’t make out what they were saying, their tone was definitely agitated. Silently, wheeling forward, thankful that Sherlock had oiled away the annoying squeak from the chair’s wheels, John rolled closer to the voices.

“For God’s sake, Georgia how was I supposed to know they weren’t insured?” A man’s voice whined.

“Ssh, do you want the whole ship to hear you?” A woman’s voice hissed back.

John strained his ears to hear more, but the woman was definitely spooked.

“Come on, it’s not safe to talk here,” the woman said quietly.

A few moments later, John was alone again, wondering how he was going to find out whom the voices belonged to and even though he knew he was a sitting target, John was excited for he was finally going to be doing something, he was not just going to waste away in that stupid chair.

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