Debt of Death

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John was relaxed and groggy after him and Sherlock's love making session that morning. Sherlock reached an index finger out and played with the hair on the back of John's neck as he pushed the wheelchair into a dark, hookah pipe smoked filled room. John leaned back into Sherlock's discrete touch as his detective surveyed the room like a blood hound. Sherlock's gaze became intent, then his eyes widened slightly as he spotted the piano player in the center of the room. He wheeled John's chair through the crowded dining area with ease, coming to a stop just short of the piano player's chair.

John looked up at Sherlock in wonder. "Wow, it's Hugh Laurie. I didn't know that you were personally acquainted with him. He's one of my favorite musicians."

Sherlock looked down at John with a pout. "John, we don't travel in the same circles. I know scores of "A List" people that you don't."

John smiled as he shook his head. Sherlock was so cute when his jealousy became aroused. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" John asked in a teasing tone.

Sherlock reached down and put the brake down on John's wheelchair as he said, "John, this is Hugh. Hugh this is my husband, John."

Hugh held out his hand for John to shake. John took it and held onto his hand a little longer than necessary. It was fun to watch Sherlock fume. "How nice to meet you Hugh, I'm a great admirer of your work. I just love your new CD," John gushed as he smiled at Hugh.

Sherlock pinched the back of John's neck as he whispered in his ear. "Stop flirting now."

John released Hugh's hand as he stifled a giggle. Hugh appeared not to notice the exchange as he said, "It's always nice to meet a fan. I'll autograph a copy of, "Let Them Talk", and messenger it to your hotel."

John smiled his most dazzling smile as he said, "Oh, thank you that would be super."

Sherlock dug a warning finger nail into John's neck. "Hugh, let's get down to business, shall we?"

Hugh nodded and then sighed. "Well, you both know I'm in debt to Laura, but I'm assuming you don't know what for."

Before John could answer Sherlock replied in a clipped tone. "No, but please don't ramble."

"Well, it happened in New Orleans during the recording of "Let Them Talk". After a late night recording session I walked out of the studio to call a cab. I was drunk off my ass and decided to walk back to my hotel. Not very wise of me, but I was drunk."

Sherlock nodded his head in quick static movements. "Yes, yes you told us that continue on."

Hugh reached up and took a swallow from his drink and then continued on. "Well, this guy came out of the darkness and pulled a knife on me. We struggled. I managed to get the knife away from him, but as he backed away from me he slipped and hit his head on the curb. I checked his pulse, but he was dead. I was about to call 911, when a black limo pulled up. I had met Laura the previous evening and I was surprised to see her as she emerged from the limo. She offered to make it all go away. Though it was not the wisest choice I was drun..., well incapacitated and true to her word Laura made it all go away. However, now I'm in debt to her and since there are no statutes of limitation on murder, it seems that I am hers."

John leaned forward in his chair. "Did she want you to seal a necklace?"

Hugh looked up at Sherlock and then at John as the dark circle around his cornea expanded. "She wanted me to kill you, John."

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