Sherlock's Biggest Distraction

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Sherlock opened his eyes. A cool hand brushed against his forehead. Even before his eyes focused Sherlock knew it was John.

"Sherlock, are you okay?" John whispered into Sherlock's ear.

Sherlock reached up and peeled away a piece of synthetic skin from John's forehead. "How could I have missed this?" Sherlock asked aloud.

John smiled. "Welcome to the human race Sherlock."

Sherlock frowned. "Whatever are you prattling on about, John?"

John traced Sherlock's bottom lip with his thumb. "You were distracted because your emotions weren't in check."

Sherlock's eyes widened and then narrowed. "Yes, I suppose my love for you has put me at a disadvantage. Well, never mind it won't happen again."

John looked down but not before Sherlock observed the hurt in his eyes. "Right, then everything's back to normal." John said as he stared at a pattern in the blanket that covered Sherlock. "Hospital blankets are so ugly," he thought.

Sherlock sat up, put his hand under John's chin and ever so gently raised his face. "John, I will always be distracted where you are concerned. You are my disadvantage, my weakness, my strength, you are the person that counteracts the injuries I inflict upon myself. You are my life, John Watson, without you I would be nothing but a machine."

John's eyes filled with tears. "Sherlock, I don't know what to say."

Sherlock caressed John's hand in his own as he said, "Then allow me to tell you, John Watson that I love you. It would destroy me if anything should happen to you."

John gripped Sherlock's hand tighter. "Sherlock, don't say that, for none of us knows what sorts of tragedies will befall us."

Sherlock disengaged his hand from John's and began to pace around the room. "Nothing will befall you John, I won't let it."

John wheeled his chair over to where Sherlock stood. The squeaking of the wheels put Sherlock's teeth on edge. "I've got to fix that squeak. It's a distraction..."

John took Sherlock's hand in his own. "That would be wonderful. You are so clever, Sherlock."

Sherlock smirked, for he was putty in John's hands. "You're pretty clever yourself, Doctor."

John nodded and then without a word took Sherlock's hand again. Neither of them said a word as they enjoyed the warmth from the skin on skin contact.


A few hours later Sherlock and John lay together in an outdoor sauna. The palm trees swayed in the desert breeze and John sighed in pleasure as the rays of the sun shone down on his upturned face. "Sherlock, this place is amazing whom did you say it belonged to again?" John asked as he massaged Sherlock's lower back.

Sherlock grunted and for a moment didn't answer. "That feels so good, John, don't stop. Now what were you saying?"

John smiled as he moved his hands a little lower, giving Sherlock some finger action. "I said whom does the house belong to? I mean you know so many people, it's hard to keep up."

Sherlock turned around and reached towards a hookah pipe that sat bubbling away. He took one of the octopi- like tentacles of the pipe in his hand, took a drag, and blew smoke rings. "The house belongs to me, well us."

John coughed as Sherlock exhaled a smoke ring. "When were you going to tell me that you owned a Pascha's palace?"

Sherlock inhaled another drag. "John, don't exaggerate. This isn't a palace. It's a Moroccan style home, nothing more."

John laughed and then continued where he left off with his finger motions. "Sherlock, I want you now."

Sherlock dropped the hookah line he was holding, splashed towards John like a seal and then picked John up. He then carried him upstairs to a Sinbad looking bedroom where he proceeded to make love to his husband in every way possible.

John leaned back against Sherlock as he was fed him pita bread and hummus. "John, you are my dearest one, but alas we must confront the case. While you were sleeping Hugh texted me and Laura has taken the bait. She has set up a meet with him to provide evidence that will expunge his record. The game is on my dear Doctor."

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