"I'm Coming for You."

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John opened his eyes to find Sherlock peering at him, his scientific gaze soon morphed into that of a lover as John's gaze registered his presence. "John, how are you?" Sherlock asked shakily as he stroked John's wrist.

John knew how upset Sherlock must be to show his vulnerability, so John said jauntily, ignoring the throbbing in his temples, "Fine, just a scuffle that's all."

Sherlock was as unpredictable as the wind and John was taken aback when Sherlock, hopped in bed beside him, carefully avoiding the tubes of his IV and began to kiss John rather ardently on the lips. Every beep and blip on John's hospital bed monitor careened wildly out of control, as Sherlock's kiss deepened.

"What's going on here?" The ship's Doctor asked sharply.

Reluctantly, Sherlock pulled himself away from John's embrace, not minding when a long string of saliva that connected then lengthened and then snapped away leaving a bead of moisture on John's lower lip.

When the Doctor noticed that it was Sherlock, he just nodded and said, "Okay, hold on Mister Holmes, the patient has to rest."

Sherlock slid off the bed, willing the aching need in his body to subside as he faced the Doctor, "The patient's name is Doctor John Watson, and I think I know what's best for him."

The Doctor sighed, for he could see that Sherlock was looking for a fight, "Mister Holmes, you can check him out of sick-bay in a few hours, just let me make sure that there are no ill effects from his concussion."

The Doctor turned around to say something else to Sherlock, but he was already gone, rushing across the ship to get their room ready for John.

"Sherlock, quit, fussing I'm fine," John said as Sherlock rearranged his pillows again.

Sherlock stopped, stood up and just stared at John; his eyes dilated making them appear black.

"Oh, I know that look, come here," John said as he patted the bed next to him.

Sherlock shook his head, "You might not be well enough to...Well, you know."

John sighed and said gently, "The Doctor said I could resume my full routine of activities. So, what do you think that means?"

Sherlock nodded looking down, "I don't have control right now, John."

John looked underneath Sherlock's lowered face and said, "Sherlock, we've talked about his before. I want this as much as you, so you are not forcing yourself on me. So, let's practice some of the exercises I taught you. Take your shirt off slowly, count to five in between each button you undo, now breath in and out slowly." John's soft voice coaxed.

By the time Sherlock, joined John in bed he was somewhat calm, only losing his composure when his cold hands touched the warm skin on John's stomach. Once again Sherlock's face turned red as his breathing became ragged and uneven.

"Sherlock, come on stay with me," John said softly as he moved his hands over Sherlock's bare back, adjusting Sherlock's hips for a perfect fit. All fear then left Sherlock's face as he became immersed in the rocking motions that made him and John one.

A few hours later, Sherlock drowsily lay in John's arms as John told Sherlock what had transpired the night before. After he was done with his story, Sherlock tried in vain to be just a scientific data receptacle, but the burn of John's touch still had his senses tingling, so all he said was, "John, since my cover was blown anyway, I am not leaving your side for a second. I couldn't bear it if something were to take you from me."

John sighed as he wiggled himself in between Sherlock's knees, "No, fear of that, Sherlock. Now, pleasure me again, Doctor's orders."

"Yes, Doctor," Sherlock said as he breathed in the smell of John's sweaty neck.

Later that night as Sherlock and John slept soundly in each other's arms, a woman in a dark cloak delivered a small black orchid in a plastic container. Kissing the top of the lid she read the card in satisfaction. It read:

"To: John Hamish Watson, husband of Sherlock Holmes, I am coming for you, my love."

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