The Fly in the Ointment

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Sherlock's eyes filled with tears as he adjusted John on the Arabian Stallion that pranced beneath them. John's face was white as he bit his lower lip in an effort to control the pain.

"Sherlock, why don't I just stay here?" John gasped as he readjusted himself.

"It's too dangerous to leave you here." Then Sherlock began to pace as he thought aloud. "But I know you are in pain, so perhaps it would be best. The truth is the truth is..."

John grinned at Sherlock with an impish quirk to his lips. "The truth is that you can't bear to be separated from me for a moment."

The edge of Sherlock's Keffiyeh blew in the wind as he stared down at John. He then blinked and looked away. "You are quite correct, Doctor. Perhaps..."

John brought a finger to his dry lips as he whispered just above the moan of the wind. "I am the fly in the ointment and speaking from the fly's point of view I cannot bear to be plucked away from my glorious ointment. Give me a pain pill and I shall be quite fine."

Sherlock reached around his waistband for the round cylinder that held John's pills. "God, how I hate these," Sherlock thought as he held out his palm to John. He then watched John's every movement, the way he reached for his canteen, the way his hand shook as he took a drink, the way his throat pulsed as he swallowed the pill. Sherlock's face began to flush as he stared at the skin on John's neck.

John gave Sherlock a sly smile. "Do you have an observation Mr. Holmes?" Sherlock shook his head overwhelmed by the betrayal of his body-his desire for John. "Well, perhaps I might shed some light on the situation. You watch my throat as I swallow and you are reminded of something else are you not?" Sherlock's face blushed a becoming shade of red. John smiled as he teased Sherlock just a little bit more. "Tonight as we lie underneath the stars I will test my hypothesis."

Sherlock nodded and then with the grace of a dancer settled himself behind John. He then checked John's harness that he had fashioned for horseback riding, to make sure John was safety buckled in.

John fingered the silken ropes as he leaned back against Sherlock's chest. "Sherlock, this is quite a clever contraption. I feel certain that it must have more than one use."

Sherlock ran his mouth around the outside of John's ear and then whispered, "Yes, Doctor, you are so clever. It does have more than one use and if you are very good I will show you tonight under the stars."

John smiled as he fit his head underneath Sherlock's chin. "Lead on Holmes, lead on."

They were to meet Hugh and Laura at an oasis of her choosing.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon Sherlock swore. They weren't making good time. Though he didn't voice his frustrations aloud John felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Sherlock, it's all my fault that we are running behind. You would have made better time alone, not to mention the strain on the horse." John said as he patted the horse's warm, sweaty neck.

"The horse is fine and it's not your fault that we're running behind. Okay, well maybe it is, but no matter we are still ahead of the meet. We'll just have to press on," Sherlock said as he reached for John's wrist.

Just as he was about to encircle his fingers around his target, John jerked away as he said, "Oh no you don't I'm the Doctor. I don't want you taking my pulse. I'm fine."

Sherlock sighed and then urged the horse on. John was getting too smart for his own good. They were nearing their destination when Sherlock felt John's body slump against his chest.

"John, are you alright?" Sherlock asked as he slowed the horse.

John smiled up at Sherlock with a glassy eyed expression. "Yes, fine."

Sherlock frowned but continued on. They had only gone a few paces when Sherlock roused John. "John? John?"

John grimaced at Sherlock as he slurred his words. "What?"

Sherlock reached for another silken chord from his pack and said, "John, I'm going to tie you to the pommel, so that you can sleep."

John smiled again. "Sure, Sherrrlock."

Once John was situated Sherlock jumped down from the horse and began to walk through the shifting sands. The moon was full and Sherlock cursed, for though its light streamed across the desert in a beautiful blue translucent hue, it meant they were more visible. Sherlock set his lips into a tight grimace and continued on. He almost shouted for joy when the familiar palms that had guided travelers for centuries came into view.

"John, we're here. John?" Sherlock asked.

There was no answer for John had lost consciousness some time ago.

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