The Turing Cipher

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They all huddled around the contents of the safety deposit box and peered at it. Irene reached in first, pulling out something in a leather bag. She sneezed when the material eroded in her hands, then pulled out a black object. "What the hell is this? Another puzzle?"

Laura inspected it with interest. "It's a rotor cipher."

Sherlock plucked it from her hands, studying at it, then he looked up. "This is not just any rotor cipher. It is the most valuable cipher in the world."

"The Turing Cipher," Mycroft whispered.

Irene looked confused, a frown marring her ice queen features. "But all those codebreaking secrets were revealed in the 1970's."

Sherlock took the rotor cipher out of her hands. "Not all of them. This one is special."

John wheeled forward. "Tell us what's so special about it, Sherlock."

Sherlock lost focus when he looked down at his husband. He looks so hot in his chair. Why do all these people have to be here? It would be glorious to make love to him in a bank vault, surrounded by all these secrets and treasures. We could make each other scream and no one would hear us. Sherlock, stop, focus, before your arousal becomes visible. Sherlock cleared his throat, coming around John's chair, so that his pelvis was hidden from view. "Alan Turing created a cipher that couldn't be broken, realizing its potential it was rumored that the British Government destroyed it."

"So, what's it doing here and how did Irene's grandfather get it?" John asked.

Sherlock frowned. "I'm afraid that's something that we'll never know."

Mycroft took the opportunity to grab the cipher out of Sherlock's hands. "Give that to me. It belongs to the British Government."

"Not so fast," Irene said, pointing a gun at Sherlock's head.

Mycroft smirked. "You wouldn't."

"No, she wouldn't, but I would," Laura said holding a gun to John's head.

Sherlock paled. "Mycroft, give it to her." Mycroft paused, just as Sherlock wiggled away from Irene. He grabbed the cipher, then handed it to Laura. "You have what you want. Now please back away from John."

Laura smiled, pulled the gun away, then tucked the cipher away in her jacket. "Thank you, Sherlock. We'll be in touch."

John was the first to speak after she left. "What did she mean by that?"

Sherlock swallowed. The bill's come due. "How should I know?"

Mycroft rounded on Sherlock, preparing to give him the verbal thrashing of a lifetime, then stopped when he noticed his brother smiling down at John in adoration. "Sherlock, what have you done?"

Sherlock placed a kiss on John's head and Mycroft marveled at his brother's ability to show public affection, something he would have never thought possible. He then turned to face them. "I've saved the man I love, that's what I've done."

Mycroft sighed. "You could do no less brother mine. God help us all."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Drama Queen."

"What about me?" Irene seethed.

"What about you?" Sherlock quipped back.

"That cipher was mine."

Sherlock shrugged. "Then go after it. It's no matter to me."

"I'll kill her," Irene raged.

Sherlock grabbed her by the arm and shook her. "You will no such thing, at least not yet."

Mycroft watched the exchange with narrowed eyes. What are you up to, brother mine?


Once they were back at the hotel, John observed Sherlock while he paced. What's wrong now? What are you hiding from me? "Sherlock, what was all that about back there?"

Sherlock stopped his frantic procession and gave him an innocent look. "What?"

"You know the cryptic 'at least not yet.'"

Sherlock shrugged. "Who knows? But there is something I need to discuss with you."

John's mouth went dry. Here it comes. "What is it, Sherlock? Is everything okay?"

Sherlock frowned. "John, I've made an appointment with a surgeon."

"Sherlock, I thought we went all through this. Elsa was the only one who could help me and she's a non-existent person."

"Look, John, let's not beat around the bush. We both know that Elsa is Laura. Laura has agreed to do your surgery."

"Would this be the same Laura that put a gun to my head?"

"Yes, but I gave her what she wanted in return for your surgery."

"That was what I was going to do and you went behind my back and gave a rotor cipher to a psychopath. You're a hypocrite Sherlock Holmes, that's what you are."

Sherlock looked around, then smirked. "No, I'm a sociopath so I don't care."

John laughed and when the laughter died on his lips he became lost in the depths of Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock, you mean everything to me.

Sherlock watched John watching him and became lost in the blue eyes of his doctor. John Watson, you mean everything to me. I would let the world destroy itself in order for you to enjoy one pain free day." John come on. It's time to get you ready for surgery."


Sherlock looked down at John. The gurney washed out the features of his face, only his eyes seemed alive. "Sherlock, everything is going to be alright."

Sherlock reached down and brought John's fingers to his lips. "Yes, John I will make sure of it."

"Listen Sherlock, if something should happen I want you to know..."

"Save the sentimental clap trap, Doctor Watson." Then he paused. "I love you too, John, more than life itself."

John attempted to sit up, then lay back down. "Was that an actual bit of gross sentimentally Mr. Holmes?"

Sherlock didn't answer. Then a nurse came up. "Mr. Watson, we're putting you under."

John leaned back, then just before his eyes closed he mouthed the words, "I love you," to Sherlock.

Tears streamed down Sherlock's cheeks. He didn't bother to brush them away when he moved towards the surgeon, grasping her arm. "If anything happens to him. I will kill you and your entire family. Got it?"

Laura raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's a good thing I'm the best then, isn't it?"

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